Vortragsgäste 2023
01.12.2022 | Dr. Anna Horstmann (Vortrag) im Rahmen des 70. Institutsgeburtstags | |
23.03.2022 | Prof. Gerhard Hilt | Unusual Techniques in Organic Electrosynthesis and Lewis-Acid Promoted Transfer-Hydrogenations |
22.03.2022 | Prof. Klaus Köhler | Molecular Heterogeneous Catalysis - A Molecular View on Structures and Reactions on Solid Surfaces |
18.03.2022 | Prof. Kai-Olaf Hinrichsen | Energy transition in miniature: Combining catalyis and reaction engineering at a practicle level |
11.03.2022 | Prof. Katharina Al-Shamery | Understanding heterogeneous catalysis fundamentally: From single site reactions to nanostructured systems |
09.03.2022 | Workshop "LIKAT/University Cooperation" | |
07.03.2022 | Workshop "C-H activation" | |
24.02.2022 | Workshop "Catalytic Hydrogenation of Renewables and Related Molecules" | |
18.02.2022 | Prof. Dr. ir. Bert Weckhuysen | Advances in Operando Spectroscopy and its Role in the Refinery of the Future |
15.02.2022 | Prof. Paul Knochel | Functionalization of N-Heterocycles using Li, Mg and Zn Organometallics |
06.12.2021 | virtueller Workshop "Carbonylations" | |
27.10.2021 | Prof. Olga Garcia Mancheno | Design of Novel Systems for Photoredox & Anion-Binding Catalysis |
18.10.2021 | ||
26.08.2021 | LIKAT/AK Glorius Seminar (Hybrid) | |
04.08.2021 | virtueller Workshop “Current Developments in Electrosynthesis and Electrocatalysis” | |
03.06.2021 | Institutsseminar (virtuell) | |
28.05.2021 | Alumni Day 2021 (virtuell) | |
27.05.2021 | ComBioCat Virtual Spring School 2021 - Opportunities and Challenges in Catalytic Biomass Conversion | |
21.05.2021 | Dr. Sven Stripp | Understanding & Mimicking Gas-processing Metalloenzymes |
21.05.2021 | Prof. Peter Deuss | Value from Biomass |
20.05.2021 | Prof. Melanie Schnell | Elucidating molecular structures and non-covalent interactions using high-resolution rotational spectroscopy |
17.05.2021 | Prof. Ivana Fleischer | Catalysis and C-Chalcogen Bonds |
17.05.2021 | Dr. Eszter Baráth | Understanding of catalysis in condensed phase – Dehydration, HDO and hydrogen transfer reactions |
17.05.2021 | Dr. Matthias Höhne | Identifying and designing enzymes and cascades for the sustainable synthesis of chiral building blocks |
03.05.2021 | Prof. Rylan Lundgren | virtueller Vortrag: "Exploiting and Understanding Ionic Decarboxylation in Cross-Coupling Catalysis and Beyond" |
27.04.2021 | virtueller Workshop "Challenges and Innovations in Photo/Electrocatalytic Energy Conversion" | |
21.04.2021 | virtueller Workshop "Reaction mechanisms in homogeneous catalysis" | |
15.04.2021 | Prof. Susanne Mossin | virtueller Vortrag: "In-situ EPR spectroscopy of active catalysts for selective catalytic reduction" |
15.04.2021 | Dr. Maricruz Sanchez-Sanchez | virtueller Vortrag: "Zeolite based catalysts for C1 conversion to fuel and chemicals |
30.03.2021 | Prof. Serena DeBeer | virtueller Vortrag: "Spectroscopic studies of biological methane oxidation" |
23.03.2021 | virtueller Workshop "Structure-Reactivity Relationship in Single-Site Catalysis for Sustainable Chemistry | |
04.03.2021 | Dr. Irina Delidovich | virtueller Vortrag: "Isomerization of ligncellulosic monosaccharides: catalysis and product separation" |
03.03.2021 | virtueller Workshop "Data Management in Catalysis Research: The opportunities ahead" | |
26.02.2021 | Dr. Annika Bande | virtueller Vortrag: "Theoretical Spectroscopy and Electron Dynamics of Carbon-Based Nano-Photocatalysts" |
11.02.2021 | ICESCO Workshop "International Day of Women and Girls in Science" | |
10.02.2021 | Virtueller Workshop "Pincer catalysis" |
18.12.2020 | Workshop "Carbon Dioxide for X-mas" | |
11.12.2020 | Prof. Stefanie Tschierlei | Are extended pi-systems a suitable component for photocatalysis? |
03.11.2020 | Institutsseminar | |
28.09.2020 | Prof. Albrecht Berkessel | Catalytic Synthesis with Titanium and Carbenes |
18.09.2020 | virtual Beller-Braunschweig-Glorius group mini-meeting | |
16.09.2020 | Dr. Michael Karnahl | Virtual: Are Cu(I) complexes a viable alternative? All about copper based photosensitizers. |
06.03.2020 | Prof. Wolfram Seidel | Donor Substituted Alkynes as Linkers in Multinuclear Complexes: Valence Problems and Activation Potential |
27.02.2020 | Prof. Dmitri Gelman | Catalysis and the Modular Pincer-Platform |
04.02.2020 | Prof. Anna Trzeciak | Immobilized Palladium catalysts in organic synthesis |
29.01.2020 | Prof. Malte Brasholz | New photocatalyst or new reaction? Updates on photodehydronative cycloadditions, photooxygenations and photo Tandem catalysis |
05.12.2019 | Dr. Matthew M. D. Roy | The Influence of Lewis Bases on Low-Valent Tetrelene Reactivity |
18.11.2019 | Prof. Dr. Björn Corzilius | Towards site-specificity in modern solid-state dynamic nuclear polarization NMR |
14.11.2019 | Prof. Mingji Dai | Building Structural Complexity via Transition Metal Catalysis |
14.11.2019 | Prof. Peter Gölitz | Diskussionsrunde mit den Doktoranden und Postdocs |
13.11.2019 | Prof. Christian Müller | The Multifaceted Chemistry of Aromatic Phoshporus Heterocycles |
07.11.2019 | Workshop "Catalysis & Energy" | |
23.10.2019 | Prof. Wolfgang Schöfberger | Metal Corroles for CO2 Reduction/Fixation and Water Oxidation/Reduction (OER/ORR) |
15.10.2019 | Dr. Tobias Robert | Polyesters from itaconic acid - a bio-based alternative for radical curing materials? |
09.10.2019 | Dr. Michael Maiwald | How online NMR-Spectroscopy Accelerates Chemical process Development and Manufacturing - From Automated Spectral Analysis to Integrated NMR Micro Reactors |
24.09.2019 | Dr. Srećko Kirin | Artificial secondary structures in the design of new catalysts and new materials |
13.09.2019 | Prof. Burkhard König | Photoredox Catalysis: Organic Synthesis with Visible Light |
12.09.2019 | Prof. Aiwen Lei | Oxidation Induced C-H Activation and Oxidative Cross-Coupling with H2 Evolution |
12.09.2019 | Prof. Samir Chikkali | Metal Catalyzed Phoshination, Polymerization and Hydroformylation: From Revelations to Relevance |
29.08.2019 | Prof. Deryn Fogg | Frontiers in Olefin Metathesis |
29.08.2019 | Seminar LIKAT/AK Glorius | |
19.07.2019 | Prof. Naoto Chatani | Development of New Catalytic Reactions Involving the Activation of Traditionally Inert Bonds |
18.07.2019 | Institutsseminar | |
27./28.06.2019 | Alumni-Tag 2019 | |
21.06.2019 | Prof. Lin He | C1 resource utilization: homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts for carbonylation |
28.05.2019 | Prof. Masahiro Murakami | Synthetic Reactions Driven by Energy of Photons |
16./17.05.2019 | Hanse Chemistry Symposium | |
08.05.2019 | Prof. Anton Vidal | Supramolecular catalytic Systems for the (Stereo)selective Formation of C-H, C-B and C-C bonds |
07.05.2019 | Prof. Michael Rubin | Using Ring Strain Release for Alleviation of Transannular Strain: Small-Ring Templated Synthesis of Medium Cycles |
25.04.2019 | Prof. Fabio Ragaini | The Reduction of Organic Nitro Compounds by Carbon Monoxideö as an Effective Strategy for the Synthesis of N-Heterocyclic Compounds |
12.04.2019 | Prof. Benjamin List | Very Strong and Confined Acids Enable a General Approach to Asymmetric Lewis Acid Catalysis |
02.04.2019 | Prof. Sylvain Jugé | Recent Advances in P-Chirogenic-Organophosphorus Synthesis |
29.03.2019 | Prof. Roland Roesler | Ligand design for challenging substrates: N-H and C-F bond activation on Nickel and Ruthenium |
07.03.2019 | Prof. Kim Daasbjerg | Developing Efficient Electrocatalysts for the Reduction of CO2 to CO: From Metal Porphyrin to metal/Nitrogen Doped Carbon |
07.03.2019 | Prof. Troels Skrydstrup | Recent Developments in Pd- and Ni-mediated Carbonylations |
05.03.2019 | Dr. Osama El-Sepelgy | Valorization of Renewable Feedstocks Enabled by Cooperative Base-Metal Catalysis |
25.02.2019 | Dr. Tobias Gensch | Quantitative Analysis of Phosphine Properties in Catalysis |
13.02.2019 | Prof. Dieter Vogt | Sustainable Synthesis of Amines - Direct Amination of Alcohols with NH3 |
31.01.2019 | Prof. Feng Shi | An effort to build active heterogeneous catalyst for specific reactions with defined active structure |
30.01.2019 | Prof. Hans-Günther Schmalz | Phenol-derived chiral P,P ligands and their application in the catalytic-enantioselective Synthesis of bioactive molecules |
19.12.2018 | Prof. Jennifer Strunk Dr. Wolfgang Baumann PD Dr. Andra Schromm | What is Good Scientific Practice? LIKATs Guidelines on Scientific Integrity and Scientific Misconduct The Borstel Model of Good Scientific Practice: A practical Approach to improve the Quality of scientific research |
03.12.2018 | Dr. José Hernández | Mechanochemistry, a Unique Strategy for Chemical Synthesis |
07./08.11.2018 | Hanse Symposium | |
06.11.2018 | Prof. Pham Huyen | Industrial Catalysis in Vietnam - Challenges in Refining Processes |
29.10.2018 | Prof. Wataru Ueda | Research Activity on Catalystic Methane Activation in Japan and New Heterogeneous Catalysis for Achieving Selective Alkane Oxidations |
22.10.2018 | Prof. Albrecht Berkessel | Catalysis with Carbenes and Titanium: Recent News |
19.10.2018 | Prof. Bernd Plietker | Breathing in and out - Fe-NO-complexes in catalysis |
21.09.2018 | Prof. Yun-jie Ding | Overview of the Developing Chemical Conversion Technologies in the Center of Catalysis in Syngas Conversion and Fine Chemicals of DICP |
19.09.2018 | Dr. Renat Kadyrov | Der Herbst des Chemikers. Das beste kommt zum Schluss |
06.09.2018 | Prof. Yang Li | Research around Hydrogen Release and Beyond |
23.08.2018 | PD Dr. Marc-Denis Weitze | Kommunikation Neuer Technologien: Schlüsselideen, Akteure, Fallbeispiele |
22.08.2018 | Dr. Stephen Mansell | Applying unconventional ligands to catalysis |
17.08.2018 | Prof. Bert Sels | Catalysis in a lignocellulosic refinery: quo vadis? |
17.08.2018 | Prof. Bert Maes | A journey with pyridines: Catalytic transformation of C-H bonds and amides |
18.07.2018 | Prof. Yuehui Li | Selective Utilization of C1 Compounds |
06.07.2018 | Prof. Stephan Barcikowski | Laser-generated, Ligand-free model catalysts: Synthesis, upscaling, supporting and model reactions |
14.06.2018 | Prof. Jeffrey Johnson | 20th-Century German Chemists between Nationalism and Internationalism: Change and Continuity in Organization and Education, 1914-1990 |
14.06.2018 | Prof. Jiwoong Lee | Learning to Love CO2 |
08.06.2018 | Dr. Anilkumar Gopinathan | Iron, copper and zinc catalyzed coupling reactions |
07.06.2018 | Prof. Hermenegildo Garcia | Defective graphenes from biomass wastes as (photo/electro)catalysts |
07.06.2018 | Dr. Thomas Haas | Künstliche Photosynthese |
01.06.2018 | Prof. Yong-Wang Li | Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Fundamentals & Engineering Practices |
31.05.2018 | Prof. Xumu Zhang | Development of Chiral Ligand Toolbox for asymmetric hydrogenation |
30.05.2018 | Prof. Gabriele Centi | Needs and opportunitiy of electrocatalysis for future chemistry and energy |
15.05.2018 | Prof. Simon Aldridge | Non-conventional approaches to bond activation and catalysis |
09.05.2018 | Prof. Udo Radius | N-Heterocyclic Carbenes and Cyclic (Alkyl) (Amino) Carbenes as Ligands and Reagents: Activation of both Main-Group Element-Element Bonds and Carbenes Themselves |
09.05.2018 | Dr. Stephan Bachmann | Catalysis as Key Technology for the Synthesis & Scale-up of APIs and Their Intermediates |
26.04.2018 | Prof. R. J. M. Klein Gebbink | Bio-inspired Homogeneous Catalysis |
25.04.2018 | Prof. Graham Hutchings | Catalysis using gold-containing nanoparticles |
16.04.2018 | Prof. Valentine Ananikov | Dynamic catalytic Systems for organic Synthesis and sustainable development |
09.04.2018 | Prof. Cédric Fischmeister | Catalytic Conversion of Renewables: From Polymer Precursors to Fine Chemicals |
08.03.2018 | Dr. Henrik Lund Dr. Carsten Kreyenschulte Dr. Giovanni Agostini | Characterization of Catalysts by Powder X-ray Diffraction Electron microscopy at LIKAT - Background and application Introduction to XPS in catalysis |
01.03.2018 | Prof. Robert Schlögl | Chemical Energy Conversion |
20.02.2018 | Prof. Ulrike Holzgrabe | Regulatory Analysis: Impurity Profiling |
13.02.2018 | Prof. Karl Kirchner | Chemistry Based on Non-Precious Metal Pincer Complexes |
05.02.2018 | Prof. Susumu Saito | Catalytic hydrogen Management of renewable chemical feedstock: hydrogenation under dark and dehydrogenation under light |
10.01.2018 | Prof. Alceo Macchioni | Iridium-Based Catalysts Relevant to the Production of Solar Fuels |
14.12.2017 | Prof. Boon Siang Jason Yeo Florian Scharnagl Dr. Christoph Topf Dr. Christian Hering-Junghans | Electrochemical Activation of Small Molecules Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide to Methanol with a Homogeneous Cobalt Catalyst Old Reaction-New Fashion: Activation of Hydrogen by (chiral) Metal Complexes Ligand Design for Small Molecule Activation |
27.10.2017 | Prof. Oliver Kappe | Going with the Flow - The Use of Continuous Processing in Organic Synthesis |
25.10.2017 | Prof. Valerii Bukhtiyarov | Size and synergetic effects in reactions of selective oxidation and hydrogenation over mono- and bimetallic supported catalysts |
19.10.2017 | Prof. Evamarie Hey-Hawkins | Multifaceted Chemistry with Phosphorus-Functionalised Ferrocene Derivatives |
17.10.2017 | Prof. Mark Gandelmann | New Bonding and Reactivity: Chemistry of N-Cations and N-Radicals |
04.10.2017 | Prof. Sukbok Chang | Development of Direct C-H Amination Reactions: Mechanism, Scope and Applications |
22.09.2017 | Prof. Kuiling Ding | A Story of SKP/Pd Catayst: Mechanistic Understanding, Process Inmovation & Drug Discovery |
05.09.2017 | Dr. Alessandro Gallo | CO2 reduction to methanol over bimetallic catalysts |
24.07.2017 | Prof. Eric Rivard | Metallacycle Transfer and N-Heterocyclic Olefin Ligands in the Main Group: Drawing Inspiration from Rostock |
20.07.2017 | Prof. Jesús Pérez Torrente | Design of iridium NHC-based molecular and hybrid catalysts for hydrogen transfer reactions |
13.07.2017 | Dr. Qiang Liu | Co- and Mn-catalyzed hydrogen Transfer reactions |
12.07.2017 | Prof. Jennifer Strunk Stefanie Kreft Marcel Sonneck Jiadong Xiao | Heterogeneous Photocatalysis: The Perspective of Reaction Engineering Application of heterogeneous copper catalysts in photocatalytic H2O and CO2 reduction Graphene as electron mediator for homogeneous and heterogeneous photocatalytic water Splitting systems Visible light driven photocatalytic ozonation of water pollutants by OH radical/C3N4 catalysts: Mechanistic insights by in situ EPR |
06.07.2017 | Dr. Sarim Dastgir | Opportunities for Downstream Oil and Gas Monetisation in the GCC |
04.07.2017 | Dr. Bill Morandi | Shuttle Catalysis - a Conceptual Blueprint for Reversible Functional Group Transfer |
29.06.2017 | Dr. Anant Kapdi | Multifunctional nucleoside development using sustainable Palladium Catalysis |
28.06.2017 | Dr. Andreas Steffen | Cooperative effects in excited d10 coinage metal compounds - from luminescence to photocatalysis |
16.06.2017 | Dr. Andrea De Toni | Herausforderungen in der Entwicklung von Diesel-Autoabgaskatalysatoren |
14.06.2017 | Prof. Carsten Bolm | Asymmetric Synthesis and catalysis under mechanochemical conditions |
13.06.2017 | Dr. Valerie Briois | Operando X-ray Absorption Investigations of Heterogeneous Catalysts: Methods and Results |
08.06.2017 | Prof. Gerrit Luinstra | Catalytic Copolymerization of Propylene oxide and carbon Dioxide on Surfaces |
15.05.2017 | Prof. Bas de Bruin | Redox Activity of Carbenes & Nitrenes; On the Convergent and Divergent Radical-type Pathways of Metal-Bound 'Substrate Radicals' |
03.05.2017 | Prof. Gabor Laurenczy | Carbon dioxide as hydrogen vector |
10.04.2017 | Prof. Johannes Lercher | Towards Understanding Heterogeneous Catalysts |
27.03.2017 | Dr. Atsushi Urakawa | Continuous Catalytic Conversion of Carbon Dioxide to Chemical Fuels and Operando Spectroscopic Investigations |
21.03.2017 | Dr. Sebastian Kunz | Ligands on Nanoparticles (NPs) - Combining the Benefits of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis? |
20.03.2017 | Dr. Sebastian Wohlrab | From pores in silica to functional materials for C1 conversion |
09.03.2017 | Prof. Richard O'Hair | More than just an analytical method! Using Mass Spectrometry to Build Bridges between Gas and Solution Phase Metal Chemistry |
23.02.2017 | Dr. Marco Conte | Novel nanomaterials for the selective oxidation of hydrocarbons |
31.01.2017 | Prof. Michael Willis | Intorducing and removing sulfur dioxide (in organic molecules): New opportunities for catalysis |
24.01.2017 | Prof. Arjan Kleij | Cyclic Organic Carbonates: Synthesis and Application in Stereo- and Enantio-Selective Synthesis |
23.01.2017 | Prof. Paul Kamer | Approaches to Bridge the gaps between homogeneous, heterogeneous and biocatalysis |
23.01.2017 | Prof. Stefan Mecking | Novel polymer materials via selective catalytic funtionalization of fatty acids |
15.12.2016 | Dr. Torsten Beweries Dr. Dirk Hollmann Daniel Türks | Amine borane adducts as model compounds for hydrogen storage and materials chemistry Visualisation of electron transfer steps using EPR spectroscopy Catch the wind - CO2-Methanisation for sustainable power storage |
30.11.2016 | Prof. David Cole-Hamilton | Catalytic production of chemicals from waste bio-oils |
28.11.2016 | Prof. Andrew Weller | Solid–State Molecular Organometallic Synthesis and Catalysis |
21.11.2016 | Dr. Geraldine Masson | Visible light photoredox catalysis as a tool for organic synthesis |
01.11.2016 | Prof. Eduardo dos Santos | Toward a more sustainable chemical industry: terpenes and arylpropenoids as feedstock in transition metal complex catalyzed reactions |
13.10.2016 | Dr. Jens Wortmann | Introduction in Intellectual Property Rights and Searching Patent Databases |
07.10.2016 | Prof. Michael North | CO2 separation and utilisation |
23.09.2016 | Prof. Detlef Heller Dr. Christoph Kubis Dr. Haijun Jiao Dr. David Linke | Kinetik in der homogenen Katalyse - Möglichkeiten und Probleme Kinetics of homogeneous catalytic multistep reactions: Investigations on the hydroformylation of alkenes with catalysts modified by P(III) ligands Kinetics - What can Computation do? Kinetic Modelling in Heterogeneous Catalysis |
23.08.2016 | Dr. Viktoria Däschlein-Gessner | Methanides and metalated ylides: Unique ligands in carbene and main Group element chemistry |
27.07.2016 | Dr. Marc Walter | Ein Streifzug durch das Periodensystem: Von ästhetischen Molekülen zur Aktivierung kleiner Moleküle |
25.07.2016 | Prof. Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt | Chemie und Energie: Entwicklung von Katalysatoren zur nachhaltigen Speicherung von Energie in chemischen Verbindungen |
20.07.2016 | Prof. Michael Schmittel | Networking nanoswitches for catalysis and communication |
18.07.2016 | Dr. Bao Nguyen | Catalyst deactivation in High Value Chemical Manufacturing |
11.07.2016 | Prof. Yundong Wu | Bridging Theory and Experiment in Establishing Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions |
23.06.2016 | Dr. Maria Wächtler | From photoinduced Dynamics towards materials for solar energy conversion |
22.06.2016 | Dr. Thomas Kuchling | Hydrierendes Upgrading von biogenen Ölen zu hochwertigen Kraftstoffen |
21.06.2016 | Dr. Rafael Rodriguez-Lugo | Chemistry inspired in Nature: ligands based on biomolecules, non-innocent ligands and environmentally friendly reactions |
20.06.2016 | Prof. Wolfgang Grünert Dr. Ursula Bentrup Dr. Andreas Martin | Wissenschaftliches Festkolloquium Aktive Zentren und Reaktionsmechanismen der SCR von NO an Redox-Zeolithen – Was wir wissen und was wir ahnen Synthese und Wirkungsweise von Molybdat-Katalysatoren für heterogenkatalysierte Oxidationsreaktionen - Monitoring mittels in situ spektroskopischer Methoden Der Sabatier-Prozess im Zeichen erneuerbarer Energien: Renaissance einer Hydrierreaktion |
08.06.2016 | Dr. Jola Pospech | Dearomative Functionalization with Arenophiles |
19.05.2016 | August Michaelis Festsymposium | |
18.05.2016 | Prof. Greta Patzke | Transition Metal Oxides and Oxoclusters for Energy and Environmental Applications |
18.05.2016 | Dr. Katalin Barta | New strategies for the conversion of Lignin: from model studies towards application |
13.05.2016 | Prof. Edgars Suna | Development of Chiral Pyridine Catalysts |
04.05.2016 | Prof. Douglas Stephan | FLP Chemistry: New Avenues in Synthesis and Catalysis |
02.05.2016 | Dr. Julia Rehbein | Reaction Mechanisms - A Matter of Change |
26.04.2016 | Dr. Inke Siewert | Proton-coupled Electron Transfer Reactions Mediated by Cobalt and Copper Comlexes |
21.04.2016 | Dr. Ivana Fleischer | New reagents and catalysts for the functionalization of alkenes |
24.02.2016 | Prof. Martin Nielsen | Is more better? - Studies on the expansion from conventional mononuclear organometallic compounds to polynuclear cluster complexes and the resulting impact on reactivity will be presented. |
22.02.2016 | Prof. Ding Ma | Aqueous-Phase Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Reaction at Low Temperature |
18.02.2016 | Prof. Peteris Trapencieris | Aziridines - from chemistry to biology, back and forth |
08.02.2016 | Dr. Christian Hering-Junghans | N-Heterocyclic Olefins - A New Class of Tunable Ligands |
27.01.2016 | Prof. Christoph Tzschucke | Palladium-Catalyzed Direct C-H Arylation of Pyridine N-Oxides |
26.01.2016 | Dr. Evgeny Pidko | Computational catalysis for sustainable chemistry: from mechanistic insights to performance optimization |
14.01.2016 | Dr. Alexey Sergeev | Transition-metal mediated cleavage of strong C-O and C-C bonds for sustainable chemistry |
16.11.2015 | Prof. RNDr. Martin Kotora | Lewis Base Catalyzed Allylation of Aldehydes and Ist Application in Natural Compound Synthesis |
11.11.2015 | Dr. Ivan Shuklov Alonso Rosas Dr. Jens Deutsch Prof. Johannes de Vries | Lactic acid as a platform chemical in the sustainable chemistry Photocatalytic valorization of carbon dioxide Direct amination of petro- and biobased alcohols with ammonia Crotyl alcohol as a new platform chemical. Ist preparation from bioethanolPhp |
10.11.2015 | Prof. B. Maes | Construction and Decoration of Nitrogen Containing Compounds using Transition Metal Catalysis |
03.11.2015 | Prof. M. Wark | Semiconductor nanocomposites and organically modified iron-based thin films for photoinduced water splitting |
19.10.2015 | Prof. M. Albrecht | Donor-flexible ligands for oxidation catalysis |
22.07.2015 | Prof. A. Sickmann | Impact of proteases for Bioanalytics |
23.06.2015 | Prof. T.-G. Ong | All Manifestations of Carbodicarbene and Amino-NHC in Catalysis and Main Group Elements |
16.06.2015 | Jacqueline Priebe Dr. Ch. Kubis Dr. H. Atia C. Kreyenschulte | Opportunities and limitations of in situ EPR spectroscopy for monitoring light-generated charge carriers during heterogeneous photocatalytic hydrogen generation In situ IR-spectroscopy for the study of kinetic and mechanistic aspects of homogeneously catalyzed alkene hydroformylation Temperature programmed methods (TPX) Electron microscopy at LIKAT-Probing the nano-world |
09.06.2015 | Prof. Ch. Hahn | Hydrofunctionalizations of alkynes catalyzed by electrophilic palladium, platinum and gold complexes |
04.06.2015 | Prof. O. Baudoin | Palladium(0)-catalyzed C(sp3)-H activation: a powerful tool for the construction of polycyclic sytems |
26.05.2015 | Prof. T. Nugent | Breaking Symmetry and Avoiding the Bane of Synthesis (Protecting Groups) to Access Alzheimer Drug Candidates |
24.04.2015 | Prof. P. Kamer | Ligand design in homogeneous catalysis: rational design, combinatorial approaches and artificial enzymes |
15.04.2015 | Dr. A. Antonchick | Development of novel methods for C-H bond functionalization |
13.04.2015 | Prof. F. Ragaini | Nitroarenes and carbon monoxide. Versatile reagents for the synthesis of base and fine chemiclals |
17.03.2015 | Dr. M. Alcarazo | Cationic ligands: Synthesis and applications |
16.03.2015 | Dr. F. Noronha | Hydrogen production from ethanol |
24.02.2015 | Dr. A. Trunschke | From molecular precursors to nanostructured metal oxide catalysts |
18.12.2014 | Dr. A. Köckritz | Oxidations in the liquid phase using environmentally benign conditions |
Dr. J. Radnik | X-rays as tool for the characterisation of oxidation catalysts | |
Dr. E. Kondratenko | Supported well-defined noble metal nanoarticles for high temperature oxidation of methane and ammonia | |
Dr. J. Rajenahally | Green oxidation process using non-noble metal oxides-based nanocatalysts for synthesis of nitriles, amides and esters | |
Dr. S. Wohlrab | Design of porous catalysts for the selective oxidation of methane | |
24.11.2014 | Prof. T. Skrydstrup | Resent Developments in Carbonylation |
Prof. K. Daasbjerg | Novel Hybrid Materials Prepared from Graphene and Polymer Brushes | |
19.11.2014 | Dr. K. V. Raghavan | Engineering the Catalyst microenvironment for Selective Organic Synthesis-Interesting Developments |
05.11.2014 | Dr. V. Artero | Bioinspired catalysts and molecular-engineered electrode materials for hydrogen evolution |
22.10.2014 | Prof. J. de Vries | What is that pincer doing in my cashew nuts? |
Prof. C. Claver | Metal nanoparticles as catalysts for selective hydrogenation and Fischer-Tropsch reaction | |
Prof. S. Gladiali | The Impact of homogeneous catalysis in hydrogen activation. A personal account | |
25.08.2014 | Prof. J. Mittendorf | Medicinal Chemistry - an Innovation Driver at Bayer HealthCare |
09.07.2014 | Prof. H. Huang | Exploring New Reactivity for Homogeneous Catalysis from C-H to C-N Bonds Activation |
09.07.2014 | Prof. R. M. Llusar Barelles | New insights into the chemistry of transition metal cluster chalcogenides and their applications |
08.07.2014 | Prof. Sh. Stahl | Copper-Catalyzed Aerobic Oxidation Reactions |
25.06.2014 | Dr. R. Horn | Palladium-Catalyzed Aerobic Oxidation Reactions - Mechanistic Insight from In Situ Experiments and Kinetic Simulations |
23.06.2014 | Prof. Sh. Stahl | Catalyc and Gas Phase Methane Oxidation at High Temperatures |
19.06.2014 | Dr. S. Sokolov Dr. N. Steinfeldt Dr. M. Hapke Prof. D. Heller | Crafting vanadium catalyst for propane dehydrogenation: metal-support teamwork Catalysts with pre-formed metal nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization and application Stable, active and in between: Synthesis of group 9 metal complexes with different (neutral) ligands Homogenen Katalyse mit Rh-Komplexen -Katalysatorsynthese |
12.06.2014 | Dr. M. Scalone | With efficient catalysis towards the commercial synthesis of edaglitazone and aleglitazar |
06.06.2014 | Dr. P. Dupau | Industrial Selective Hydrogenation for Flavour and Fragrance Applications |
05.06.2014 | Dr. R. Marschall | Mixed metal oxides and composites for solar energy conversion |
13.05.2014 | Prof. D. Grotjahn | Moving Protons: Synthetic and Mechanistic Studies of Bifunctional Catalysis for Organic Chemistry and Energy |
08.05.2014 | Dr. E. Reisner | Artificial photosynthesis with molecular catalysts integrated in nanostructured materials |
16.04.2014 | Prof. V. Hessel | Flow Chemistry with Perspective towards Green Engineering - which is more than Engineering Green Chemistry |
06.03.2014 | Dr. A. Schaadt | Methanol aus CO2 und H2 - Ein sinnvoller Ansatz? |
12.02.2014 | Prof. K.-E. Jäger | Glowing biocatalysts: news from enzymes and fluorescent proteins |
11.02.2014 | V. Füllert C. Kreyenschulte Dr. M. Brötzmann | Ga(NAs) at atomic resolution Ungeordnete Strukturen im EFTEM HRTEM-investigations of semiconductor heterostructures and self-organized metal-silicide surface patterns |
28.01.2014 | Dr. R. Hergenröder | Photoelectron Spectroscopy under ambient conditions |
21.01.2014 | Prof. D. Schmeißer | Methanisierung von Rauchgas- und Oxyfuel- CO2 |
18.12.2013 | Dr. M.M. Pohl | STEM Investigations on Carbon supported and Nitrogen modified Fe2O3 Catalysts Monitoring of catalytic reactions by in situ spectroscopic methods Computational Chemistry – A Multifunctional Tool in Catalysis How mathematics can help to explore spectroscopic data |
10.12.2013 | Prof. A. Lei | Insights toward Copper-Catalyzed Coupling Reactions |
15.11.2013 | Prof. M. Gaunt | New Catalytic Strategies for Chemical Synthesis |
29.10.2013 | Prof. Ch. Hess | Probing catalysts and gas sensors at work |
07.10.2013 | Prof. K. Jurkschat | Phosphorhaltige Zangen-Liganden zur Stabilisierung niedervalenter Organoelementderivate |
01.10.2013 | Prof. J. Pérez-Ramirez | Catalytic processes for halogen recycling - past, present, future |
23.09.2013 | Prof. R. Morris | Iron Catalysts for Asymmetric reductions |
30.08.2013 | Prof. B. Garrett | Catalysis Research in the Institute for Integrated Catalysis |
15.08.2013 | Prof. J. Blacker | The Scale-up and Application of Chemo- and Bio-Catalytic Processes |
12.07.2013 | Prof. J. G. de Vries | Catalytic conversion of renewable resources into bulk and fine chemicals |
08.07.2013 | Prof. T. Skrydstrup | Efficient Transition Metal Catalysis with Two-Chamber Reactors |
03.07.2013 | Dr. R. Rinaldi | New Thinking in Heterogeneous Catalysis for Cellulose and Lignin Conversion |
13.06.2013 | B. Milow | Forschen für die Energiewende - Aktivitäten des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt |
07.05.2013 | Prof. G. Liu | Transition Metal-Catalyzed Fluorination |
02.05.2013 | Dr. M. K. Dongare | Tiatanium peroxide gel: A novel material for adsorption, photocatalysis, TS-1 synthesis and protective coating |
29.04.2013 | Prof. K. Ding | Chiral Catalyst Evolution: Rational Design and Serendipity |
13.04.2013 | Dr. U. Armbruster
| Heterogeneously Catalysed Hydrogenation of CO2 Asymmetric Hydrogenation Continuous Hydrogenations in Microstructured Reactors Catalytic Reduction of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives |
11.04.2013 | Prof. M. Muhler | High-temperatur Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over iron catalysts |
27.03.2013 | Prof. P. Dixneuf | Le ruthenium a l`eau: C-H bonds acting as functional group |
22.03.2013 | Prof. R. Farrauto | New Catalysts and Reactor Designs for the Hydrogen Economy |
19.03.2013 | Prof. W. Grünert | Selektive katalytische Reduktion von Stickoxiden an Eisen-Zeolithen: Neues zu Aktiven Zentren und Reaktionsmechanismen |
07.03.2013 | Prof. C. Schulzke | Modelle für molybdän- und wolframhaltige Oxidasen – Untersuchungen zur Rolle der Liganden und des Metalles für die katalytische Funktion |
21.02.2013 | Prof. F. Glorius | Stories on design & surprise: C-H activation, asymmetric arene hydrogenation and NHC organocatalysis |
20.02.2013 | Prof. S. Stewart | The Synthesis of N and O-Heterocycles through Palladium Mediated Domino Reactions |
18.02.2013 | Dr. M. Walter | Aktivierung kleiner Moleküle mit Übergangsmetallkomplexen |
06.02.2013 | Prof. P. Canu | Behavior of planar model catalysts at ambient in conditions, in stagnation point flow reactor: questioning the pressure gap |
31.01.2013 | Prof. R. Sebesta | Asymmetric conjugate additions of organometallic reagents using ferrocene ligands |
24.01.2013 | Prof. H. Grützmacher | Cooperative Metal Ligand Interactions: From Dehydrogenations to Organometallic Fuel Cells |
10.01.2013 | Prof. Fornasiero | Modular assembly of innovative heterogeneous catalysts |
07.01.2013 | Sh. Das P. Rajagopalan N. Kalevaru | "Days of India" 2012/2013 in Germany: Scientific Colloquium |
19.12.2012 | Prof. A. Lei | Insights of Copper Chemistry in Coupling Reactions |
18.12.2012 | Prof. Atta-Ur-Rahman | Some Adventures in Natural Product Chemistry and Higher Education |
13.12.2012 | Prof. P. Kamer | Tentative title will be: Ligand design and biological concepts in homogeneous catalysis |
28.11.2012 | Prof. N. Kockmann | Chemische Reaktionen an Grenzflächen - Intensivierung in Mikroreaktoren |
05.11.2012 | Dr. van Gastel | An EPR and DFT study of Epoxide Opening with Titanocene |
17.10.2012 | Prof. S. Gladiali | Advances in the CO-styrene copolymerization catalyzed by Pd/pyridine nitrogen ligands |
16.10.2012 | Prof. M. Albrecht | Mesoionic carbenes: multitasking ligands for catalytic applications |
11.10.2012 | Dr. M. Armbrüster | A Knowledge-Based Approach to Noble Metal-Free Intermetallic Compounds as Selective Hydrogenation Catalysts |
30.08.2012 | Prof. J. Cheng | The Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Cyanation Reaction |
27.08.2012 | Prof. Ch. Schneider | Selektive Reaktionen von Dienolaten: Asymmetrische Katalyse und schneller Aufbau molekularer Komplexität |
24.08.2012 | Dr. A. Pla-Quintana | A journey through Rh(I)-catalyzed [2+2+2] cycloaddition reactions: from mechanistic studies to the search for new catalysts |
06.08.2012 | Prof. M. Antonietti | Heterogene Organokatalyse: unerwartete C/N-Verbindungen |
11.07.2012 | Dr. H. Mutin | Synthesis of mixed oxide catalysts by non-hydrolytic sol-gel |
09.07.2012 | Prof. Q. Xu | Nanostructured materials and their functional applications |
06.07.2012 | Dr. A. Seidel | Polycyclische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe - eine Herausforderung an Analytik, Synthese und Toxikologie |
05.07.2012 | Prof. F. Shi | Heterogeneous Catalysis in Nitrogen Containing Fine Chemical Synthesis |
28.06.2012 | Dr. St. Vajda | Well defined sub-nm to nm size clusters in dehydrogenation and partial oxidation reactions: Cluster size, composition, oxidation statte, morphology and assembly effects on catalyst performance |
25.06.2012 | Prof. Zh. Xi | Zirconocene and Si-Tethered Diynes: A Happy Match Directed toward Organometallic Chemistry and Organic Synthesis |
14.06.2012 | Dr. K. Kumar | Building Molecular Complexity Over Rings of Lord: Chemistry for Chemical Biology |
01.06.2012 | Prof. C. Wentrup | Nitrenes and nitrile imines: chemistry, properties and relationship |
22.05.2012 | Prof. R. van Santen | Mechanistic aspects of Fischer-Tropsch catalysis |
28.03.2012 | Dr. H. Doucet | Palladium catalysed arylations or alkenylations of heteroaromatics via C-H bond activation |
27.03.2012 | Prof. S. Gladiali | Asymmetric Hydrogenation by Rh-Binepine Catalysts: Mechanistic Insights |
22.03.2012 | Dr. Nagler Prof. Franke Prof. Börner | Einweihung Evonik Advaced Catalysis Lab |
27.02.2012 | Prof. J. Caro | Festkolloquium für Prof. Dr. Bernhard Lücke |
24.02.2012 | Dr. St. Enthaler | The rise of the zinc age in homogeneous catalysis? |
20.02.2012 | Prof. R. Ernst | Metal-Pentadienyl Compounds: The Chemistry, Bonding, Reactivities and Applications of Open Metallocenes and Related Complexes |
26.01.2012 | Dr. A. Pfaltz | Neue Katalysatoren und Screeningmethoden für die Asymmetrische Synthese |
19.01.2012 | Prof. B. Chaudret | Surface Chemistry and Reactivity of Organometallic Nanoparticles |
10.01.2012 | Prof. M. Röper | Rohstoffbasis im Wandel |
04.01.2012 | Prof. Ch. Darcel | On Iron-Catalyzed reactions |
24.11.2011 | Dr. St. Peitz | C4 Chemistry @ Evonik |
20.10.2011 | Prof. B. Breit | Ligandenkontrolle in der Übergangsmetallkatalyse: Vom Katalysator-Self-Assembly zur propargylischen CH-Aktivierung |
04.10.2011 | Prof. V. Gounerneur | Fabulous Fluorine |
27.09.2011 | Dr. J. Baumgartner | Metallacyclosilane |
27.09.2011 | Prof. Ch. Marschner | Synthese und Koordinationsverhalten von disilylierten Germyl-, Stannyl- und Plumbylenen |
15.09.2011 | Dr. H. M. Kaiser | Chemiker bei McKinsey, ein Erfahrungsbericht und Perspektiven der chemischen Industrie |
09.09.2011 | Prof. J. Pérez Sestelo | Indium-organometallics in metal-catalyzed cross coupling reactions and beyond |
26.08.2011 | Prof. D. Pérez Meiras | Cycloaddition reactions of arynes: from natural product synthesis to materials science |
12.05.2011 | Prof. L. L. Schafer | Catalyst Development using Metals of Low Toxicity. Efficient and Selective Amine and Heterocycle Synthesis |
14.04.2011 | PD Dr. Th. Schedel-Niedrig | Untersuchung der Oxidation von Chalkopyrit- und Kohlenstoffnitrid- Dünnschichten für die Photovoltaik und Photokatalyse |
12.04.2011 | Dr. M. Peruzzini | White Phosphorus and Water: a not always indissoluble marriage if officiated by transition metals |
08.03.2011 | Prof. V. Ratovelomanana-Vidal | Asymmetric transition-metal catalyzed reactions: Synthetic applications |
03.03.2011 | Prof. M. Taillefer | Metal Catalyzed Arylation of Nucleophiles (C-C, C-O and C-N bond formation) |
17.12.2010 | Dr. O. Thiel | Transition Metal Catalysis in the Practical Synthesis of Pharmaceutical Development Compounds |
09.12.2010 | Prof. Z.-J. Shi | Transition-metal Catalyzed C-O/H Activation |
23.11.2010 | Prof. R. N. Perutz | A transition metal chemist`s view of C-H and C-F bond activation |
15.11.2010 | Prof. U. Kortz | Noble Metals in Polyoxometalate Chemistry |
12.11.2010 | Prof. U. Siemeling | Going for Gold with Ferrocene |
03.11.2010 | Prof. S. Polarz | Weiche Chemie und feste Materialien: Zwei "Gegensätze", die sich anziehen |
28.10.2010 | Dr. Bauer | Neue Methoden der Röntgenabsorption - von der Grundlagenforschung zur operando-Spektroskopie in der Katalyse |
27.10.2010 | Prof. V. Ananikov | Transition-metal-catalyzed carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bonds formation via atomeconomic reactions |
18.10.2010 | Prof. I. Gridnev | Mechanism of Asymmetric Hydrogenation - Stereoselection by "Trial-And-Error" Method |
08.10.2010 | Prof. E. Hensen | From mechanistic insight towards rational design of heterogeneous catalysts |
30.09.2010 | Prof. R. Llusar Barelles | Functional molecular systems based on transition metal cluster chalcogenides with potential application in catalysis |
27.09.2010 | Prof. H. Butenschön | Pi-Komplexe von Chrom und Eisen: Von der Suche nach neuen Reaktionen zur Synthese neuer P-stereogener Liganden |
21.09.2010 | Prof. D. Milstein | Design of New Catalytic Reactions for Sustainable Chemistry |
30.08.2010 | D. De Vos | Advanced microscopy techniques for the study of organics and organic reactions in porous materials |
28.07.2010 | Dr. M. Haumann | Supported ionic liquid phase (SILP) materials in chemical engineering |
16.07.2010 | Prof. D. Vogt | Homogeneous Catalysis and the Interplay of Catalyst Design and Reaction Engineering |
12.07.2010 | Prof. L. Liebeskind | Seeking Novel Reactivity and Selectivity in Modern Organic Synthesis. Organometallic Enantiomeric Scaffolds: Synthesis, Reactivity, and Applications to Natural Product Synthesis |
07.07.2010 | Prof. A. Jess | Some important properties of ionic liquids (ILs) with regard to their application: vapour pressure, thermal stability, and activity coefficient of water in ILs |
01./02.07.10 | Dr. M. Gotta | Vorlesung: Homogen-katalysierte industrielle Prozesse Inhalt und Zeitplan |
28.05.2010 | PD Dr. S. Kureti | Rust as precious as noble metals? Rational Advancement of iron oxide catalysts for emission control |
26.05.2010 | Dr. D. Meier | Erzeugung u. Verwertungslinien für Biocrude aus Pyrolyseverfahren |
25.05.2010 | Prof. A. M. Algeier | Heterogeneous Catalysis Challenges in the Production of Organic Chemicals |
17.05.2010 | Prof. J. Sundermeyer | Privileged Ligands in Lewis-Acids and Redox Catalysts for the Conversion of Dioxygen, Carbon Monoxide, Amines and Olefines to Commodity Chemicals |
28.04.2010 | Prof. V. Hessel | Microstructured Reactors and System Integration for Process intensification in Novel Process Windows |
21.04.2010 | Prof. L. Leffers | Heterogeneous catalysis in liquid phase: Fundamental and engineering challenges |
26.02.2010 | Prof. K. Köhler | Homogeneous Catalysis by Heterogeneous Catalysts: Dissolution of Palladium (Oxide) Particles during CC-Coupling Reactions and the Influence of Light on Palladium Chemistry |
28.01.2010 | Prof. D. Rau | Modelled after nature - photocatalytic hydrogen formation with oligonuclear metal complexes |
20.01.2010 | Dr. D. Wolf | Motivation und Barrieren bei der Durchsetzung neuer Katalysatortechnologien in industriellen Anwendungen |
17.12.2009 | Prof. W. Uhl | Hydroaluminierungs- und Hydrogallierungsreaktionen und ihre überraschenden spontanen Folgeprozesse |
23.11.2009 | Prof. M. Meier | Plant oils as a renewable resource for the polymer industry: Metathesis and other efficient reactions |
18.11.2009 | Prof. K. Neymeyr | Multikomponentenzerlegungen - ein Analysewerkzeug für Spektrenfolgen |
03.11.2009 | Prof. L. el Firdoussi | Palladium catalyzed allylic functionalization of natural mono- and sesquiterpenes |
15.10.2009 | Prof. A. Salzer | Die agostische Bindung in Synthese und Katalyse |
09.10.2009 | Prof. B. Plietker | Nachhaltige Chemie - Beispiele aus der Katalyse und Wirkstoffsynthese |
02.10.2009 | Prof. M. Costas | Bioinspired Catalysts for Selective C-H and C=C Oxidation Reactions |
28.09.2009 | Prof. A. Lei | Novel Approaches and Understanding toward Bond Formation Reactions |
24.09.2009 | Dr. Ch. Jäkel | CaRLa - Catalyzing the Cooperation between Science and Industry |
07.09.2009 | Prof. J. Mittendorf | NO-unabhängige Stimulatoren und Aktivatoren der löslichen Guanylatcyclase |
27.08.2009 | Prof. S. Gladiali | Chiral Monodentate Phosphorus Ligands in Asymmetric Catalysis |
13.08.2009 | Prof. P. Claus | Ungewöhnliche Katalysatoren in der chemokatalytischen Stoffwandlung |
30.07.2009 | Prof. A. Seidel-Morgenstern | Coupling of chromatography and crystallization to separate enantiomers |
17.07.2009 | Prof. R. van Santen | Structure sensitivity of heterogeneous catalytic reactions |
16.07.2009 | Prof. J. Williams | Borrowing Hydrogen in the Formation of C-C and C-N Bonds |
18.06.2009 | Prof. P. Dixneuf | Ruthenium Catalysts and Some Challenges in C-C and C=C Bond Formation |
03.06.2009 | Prof. C. H. Christensen | Fuels and Chemicals from Renewables: The C-factor |
02.06.2009 | Dr. Y. Watanabe | Continuous Production of Biofuels from Glycerine with Enzymes |
26.05.2009 | Prof. D. Steinborn | Platina-beta-diketone und Elementarschritte in der Organometallchemie und homogenen Katalyse |
18.05.2009 | Prof. B. Weckhuysen | Watching catalytic solids at work: From macro- to nanoscale chemical imaging |
12.05.2009 | Prof. R. Poli | Interplay of different one-electron processes in coordination/organometallic chemistry: their role in controlled radical polymerization |
06.05.2009 | Prof. E. Klemm | Microstructured Reactors for the Production of Commodities by Heterogeneously Catalysed Gas Phase Reactions: Potentials and Limits |
17.04.2009 | Prof. J. Caro | Katalyse in Membranreaktoren Abstract |
31.03.2009 | Prof. M. Muhler | Zinc oxide as redox catalyst |
25.03.2009 | Dr. J. Ugolotti | Group 4 metallacycloallenoids: the missing members of a strained family |
04.03.2009 | Prof. K.-E. Jaeger | Identification and design of novel biocatalysts |
26.02.2009 | Dr. U. Fehrenbacher | Biobasierte Bausteine und Polymere |
22.01.2009 | Dr. Y. Traa | Heterogen katalysierte nicht oxidative Aktivierung von leichten Alkanen |
08.01.2009 | Prof. J. Reek | New supramolecular strategies in transition metal catalysis |
07.11.2008 | Prof. F. E. Kühn | Organomolybdän-Verbindungen, Darstellung und Anwendung in der Epoxidationskatalyse |
06.11.2008 | Dr. M. Maiwald | Reaktions- und Prozeßmonitoring mit Online-NMR-Spektroskopie <link typo3 fileadmin user_upload main-dateien veranstaltungen maiwald_michael.pdf _self einen internen link im aktuellen>Abstract |
24.10.2008 | Prof. S. Jugé | P-Stereogenic Ligands Made by Ephedrine Methodologies |
07.10.2008 | Dr. Y. Sakamoto | Analysis and application of spillover in automotive catalyst: NOx storage analysis using Pt/Ba thin film model catalyst and electro proportion of NOx selective reaction. |
01.09.2008 | Prof. M. J. Krische | Formation of C-C Bonds via Catalytic Hydrogenation and Transfer Hydrogenation |
28.08.2008 | Dr. A. J. v. Wangelin | New Aspects of Metal Catalyzed Cross Coupling Reactions |
22.08.2008 | Dr. G. Laurenczy | Hydrogen storage in the CO2 / formic acid system - high pressure hydrogen generation |
20.08.2008 | Dr. K. Wagemann | Lignocellulose Bioraffinerie Pilotprojekt - Ziele, Status, Konzept im internationalen Kontext |
19.08.2008 | Prof. Ch. B. W. Stark | New Catalytic Oxidation Reactions for Asymmetric Synthesis |
14.08.2008 | Prof. D. J. Cole-Hamilton | Very highly selective carbonylation and related reactions |
24.07.2008 | Prof. W. Koch | Nachhaltige Entwicklung - Nicht ohne Chemie |
24.07.2008 | Prof. N. Suzuki | Organometallic approach toward small cycloalkynes and cycloallenes |
29.05.2008 | Dr. E. Manoury | Planar-chiral Ferrocenes: Synthesis, Coordination Chemistry and Applications to Asymmetric Catalysis |
20.05.2008 | Prof. Ch. Maschner | Von Polysilaniden und anderen reaktiven Siliciumverbindungen |
20.05.2008 | Dr. H. Teles | Oxidation from an Industrial Point of View |
16.05.2008 | Prof. A. Behr | Homogene Übergangsmetallkatalyse mit nachwachsenden Rohstoffen |
22.04.2008 | Prof. M. Oestreich | Drei Strategien zum Erzielen perfekter Enantioselektivität in der asymmetrischen Katalyse |
18.04.2008 | Prof. C. Wentrup | Chemistry of Iminopropadienones, RN=C=C=C=O |
15.04.2008 | Dr. H. J. Wernicke | New catalytic processes - efficient use of limited ressources |
04.03.2008 | Prof. R. Poli | Chemistry and Catalysis with High Oxidation State Cp*Mo and Cp*W Complexes in Water |
29.02.2008 | Dr. R. Blaser | Accelerating Process Development: New Approaches and Results |
14.02.2008 | Dr. H.-J. Fischer | Von Erdgas zu Polymer - Die Rolle von Katalysatoren bei knappen Ressourcen |
29.01.2008 | Prof. M. Dries | From Stable Silylenes to Novel Molecular Functions for Catalysis and More |
14.01.2008 | Ru-Metathese Katalysatoren für die Herstellung von Pharma Produkten |
06.12.2007 | <link buekenhoudt.477.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Dr. A. Buekenhoudt | Performance of zeolitic membranes formed by the stacking of zeolitic nanoblocks |
26.11.2007 | <link albrecht.475.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Prof. M. Albrecht | Molekulare Erkennung und Selbstorganisation zur Generierung Supramolekularer Funktion |
19.11.2007 | <link knochel.476.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Prof. P. Knochel | Metallierungsreaktionen für die Herstellung polyfunktionalisierter Magnesiumverbindungen |
27.09.2007 | <link trunschke.468.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Dr. A. Trunschke | Kontrollierte Synthese komplexer Katalysatorsysteme |
20.09.2007 | <link holst.467.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Dr. N. Holst | Förderung nachwachsender Rohstoffe durch die Bundesregierung |
19.09.2007 | <link alt.266.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Prof. H. Alt | Katalytische Aktivierung von ungesättigten und gesättigten Kohlenwasserstoffverbindungen |
13.09.2007 | <link wolf_d.465.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Dr. D. Wolf | Katalyse für Feinchemie und Pharma |
11.09.2007 | <link buchmeiser.463.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Prof. M. R. Buchmeiser | Monolithische Materialien: Synthesen, Funktionalisierung und Anwendungen in den Trenntechniken, der Heterogenkatalyse und der Regenerativmedizin |
06.09.2007 | <link schueth.462.0.html _blank internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Prof. F. Schüth | Nanomaterials in Catalysis |
09.07.2007 | <link sojka.428.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Prof. Z. Sojka | DeNOx Catalysis on Intrazeolite Transition Metal Ions - Mechanistic Insights through Spectroscopy and Molecular Modeling |
03.07.2007 | <link radius.426.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>PD Dr. U. Radius | Metall-assistierte Aktivierungsreaktionen reaktionsträger Element-Element-Bindungen |
14.06.2007 | U. Kragl | Prozessintensivierung in der (Bio)Katalyse durch Membranen. Modellierung und Zweiphasensysteme. |
31.05.2007 | <link kraushaar.422.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Prof. B. Kraushaar-Czarnetzki | Herstellung, Eigenschaften und Anwendungspotentiale katalytisch beschichteter Schwämme |
02.05.2007 | <link deng.385.0.html _top internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Prof. Y. Deng | Research progress on non-phosgene process and ionic liquids in LICP |
26.03.2007 | <link tietze.376.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Prof. L. F. Tietze | Multiple Pd-katalysierte Reaktionen in der Synthese von Naturstoffen und Materialien |
22.03.2007 | <link ganter.375.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Prof. Ch. Ganter | Phosphametallocen-Einheiten als Bausteine für chirale Chelatliganden |
09.03.2007 | <link taube.255.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Prof. R. Taube | Katalysatorenentwicklung in der metallorganischen Komplexkatalyse |
07.03.2007 | <link taube.255.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Prof. R. Taube | Katalysatorenentwicklung in der metallorganischen Komplexkatalyse |
05.03.2007 | <link taube.255.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Prof. R. Taube | Katalysatorenentwicklung in der metallorganischen Komplexkatalyse |
01.03.2007 | <link roepcke.372.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Prof. J. Röpcke | On Recent Progress in diagnostics of molecular plasmas and in Trace Gas Detection using Infrared techniques |
26.02.2007 | <link bouwcamp.371.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Dr. M. W. Bouwcamp | Pyridine-diimine iron complexes for catalytic bond forming reactions |
26.01.2007 | <link kalinin.365.0.html _self internal-link einen internen link im aktuellen>Prof. V. N. Kalinin | Carboranes and Approaches to Their Functionalization |
14.12.2006 | Prof. A. Jess | Heterogen-katalysierte Mehrphasensysteme – eine Herausforderung für vielfältige Prozesse von der Raffinerietechnik bis hin zur Herstellung von Feinchemikalien Abstract (PDF) |
7./8.12.2006 | Vorträge im Rahmen der Vorlesung "Asymmetrische Katalyse" Vortragsfolien | |
23.11.2006 | Dr. D. Su | Soot particulates Abstract (PDF) |
09.11.2006 | Prof. E. Burkel | Nichtgleichgewichtssynthese nanostrukturierter Materialien |
08.11.2006 | Prof. P. van Leeuwen | Wide bite angle diphosphine ligands: complexes and catalysis |
02.11.2006 | Prof. J. L. Mascarenas | Synthetic strategies based on metal-catalyzed cyclizations and cycloaddition reactions |
02.11.2006 | Prof. B. Ondruschka | Mikrowellen im Zeugenstand der Katalyse Abstract (PDF) |
26.10.2006 | Prof. E. Nagy | Mass transport through dense, polymeric, catalytic membrane layer with dispersed catalyst Abstract (PDF) |
26.10.2006 | Dr. A. Datta | Mesostructure Induction in the Catalytically Important VPO System |
24.10.2006 | Prof. G. Erker | "Gewinkelte Metallocene und funktionelle Gruppen: die Suche nach Wegen in schwierigem Terrain" |
26.09.2006 | Dr. Ch. Müller | "Phosphabenzole - mehr als nur Labor-Kuriositäten" |
21.09.2006 | Prof. A. Ludwig | "Herstellung und Charakterisierung von PVD-Dünnschicht-Materialbibliotheken für die Entwicklung neuer Funktionswerkstoffe" Abstract (PDF) |
21.09.2006 | Dr. W. Bonrath | "Industrielle Katalyse am Beispiel der Feinchemikaliensynthesen: Ansätze und Problemlösungen vom Labor in die Produktion" |
20.09.2006 | Dr. W. Bonrath | "Nicht klassische Methoden in der industriellen Forschung und Entwicklung: Neue Methoden, Vorteile und Grenzen" |
04.09.2006 | Prof. S. Rau | "Photokatalytische Wasserstoffproduktion nach dem Vorbild der Natur" Abstract |
10.08.2006 | Prof. Th. Willner | "Direktverflüssigung von Biomasse und Brennstoffen" |
08.08.2006 | Prof. O. Nuyken | "Synthese und Anwendung amphiphiler Polymere für die Mizellare Katalyse" |
07.07.2006 | "Chemoenzymatic Catalysit in Organic Synthesis" | |
27.06.2006 | "Octahydropyrazinopyridoindoles and Related Compounds: Chemistry and Pharmacology" | |
16.06.2006 | "A concise Synthesis of Novel Oxabridged Compounds" | |
15.06.2006 | "Heterogene chemo- und enantioselektive Hydrierungen" | |
14.06.2006 | "Homogene C-C and C-N Kupplungsreaktionen" | |
13.06.2006 | "Prozesse für Feinchemikalien: Wie wichtig sind ökologische Aspekte? Was kann Katalyse beitragen?" | |
01.06.2006 | "Reaktionsmechanismus und Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen in der lanthanoid-komplexkatalysierten Butadienpolymerisation" | |
19.05.2006 | "Oxidationsreaktionen mit Luft und Cer-Katalysatoren" | |
12.05.2006 | "Catalytic Tools for Asymmetric Synthesis. Asymmetric Hydroformylation" | |
10.05.2006 | "Catalytic Tools for Asymmetric Synthesis. Asymmetric Hydrogen Transfer Reduction" | |
08.05.2006 | "Guidelines of Enantioselective Catalysis" | |
03.04.2006 | "Übergangsmetallalkyle in der Organischen Synthese: Labilität als überraschender Vorteil" | |
20.03.2006 | "Wie statisch sind heterogene Katalysatoren?" | |
24.02.2006 | "Enzymes in Organic Synthesis - Successful Examples and Current Challenges" | |
15.02.2006 | "Modulare Mikro-Reaktionsanlagen - Flexible und leistungsfähige Systeme für die Prozessentwicklung und Produktion" | |
13.02.2006 | "Polyoxometalates: Molecular Metal-Oxygen Clusters with Multiple Structures and Applications" | |
06.02.2006 | "The role of in-situ vibrational spectroscopies in organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis. Advanced signal processing, deconvolution and system identification" | |
31.01.2006 | "Homogene Katalyse in mizellaren Medien und Membranreaktoren" | |
23.01.2006 | "Innovative catalysis concepts for organic synthesis" | |
17.01.2006 | "Mechanistische Studien zu Prolin-katalysierten Reaktionen" | |
12.01.2006 | "Homogene Katalyse mit schweren Übergangsmetallen: Hydierungen, Hydrosilylierungen, Olefinmetathese" |