Awarded Contracts

Here you can find information about our awarded contracts sorted by date:

Contract number: 14069704

Service: Delivery of a mass spectrometer

The Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V. (Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock) has awarded a contract for the service “Delivery of a mass spectrometer” on October 28, 2024 under the number 14069704.

Awarded company:
Microtrac Retsch GmbH
Retsch-Allee 1-5
42781 Haan

The contract was awarded as a negotiated award without a call for competition

Contract number: 14070054

Service: Delivery of a Stirrer extraction column

The Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V. (Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock) has awarded a contract for the service “Delivery of a Stirrer extraction column” on 15.11.2024 under the number 14070054.

Awarded company:
Pfaudler Normag Systems GmbH
Auf dem Steine 4
98693 Ilmenau

The contract was awarded as a negotiated award without a call for competition

Contract number: 14070160

Service: Delivery Cisco Desk Telephones

The Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V. (Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock) has awarded the contract for the service "Delivery Cisco Desk Telephones" on 18.11.2024 under the number 14070160 awarded a contract.

Awarded company:
Albakom GmbH
Goerdelerstraße 28
18069 Rostock

The contract was awarded by negotiated procedure without a call for competition.

Contract number: 14070212

Service: Delivery of headsets

The Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V. (Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock) has awarded the contract for the service "Delivery headsets" on 20.11.2024 under the number 14070212 awarded a contract.

Awarded company:
Albakom GmbH
Goerdelerstraße 28
18069 Rostock

The contract was awarded by negotiated procedure without a call for competition.

Contract number: 14070359

Service: Delivery of Leakage water detectors

The Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V. (Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock) has awarded the contract for the service "Delivery of Leakage water detectors" on 28.11.2024 under the number 14070359 awarded a contract.

Awarded company:
Senseca Germany GmbH
Tenter Weg 2-8
42897 Remscheid

The contract was awarded by negotiated procedure without a call for competition.

Contract number: 14070391

Service: Delivery of a GPC

The Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V. (Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock) has awarded the contract for the service "Delivery of  a GPC" on 28.11.2024 under the number 14070391 awarded a contract.

Awarded company:
Agilent Technologies Deutschland GmbH
Hewlett-Packard-Str. 8
76337 Waldbronn

The contract was awarded by negotiated procedure without a call for competition.

Contract number: 14070383

Service: Delivery of a GC

The Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V. (Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock) has awarded the contract for the service "Delivery of  a GC" on 28.11.2024 under the number 14070383 awarded a contract.

Awarded company:
Agilent Technologies Deutschland GmbH
Hewlett-Packard-Str. 8
76337 Waldbronn

The contract was awarded by negotiated procedure without a call for competition.


Contract number: 14070428

Service: Replacement of burglar alarm system

The Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V. (Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock) has awarded a contract for the service “Replacement of burglar alarm system” on 04.12.2024 under the number 14070428.

Awarded company:
Lüdecke + Schmidt Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
Hans-Fallada-Straße 3
18069 Rostock

The contract was awarded as a negotiated award without a call for competition.

Contract number: 14070429

Service: Replacing smoke alarms

The Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V. (Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock) has awarded a contract for the service “Replacing smoke alarms” on 04.12.2024 under the number 14070429.

Awarded company:
Bezuschlagtes Unternehmen:
Lüdecke + Schmidt Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
Hans-Fallada-Straße 3
18069 Rostock

The contract was awarded as a negotiated award without a call for competition.

Contract number: 14070456

Service: Replacing pressurized gas cylinder cabinets

The Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V. (Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock) has awarded a contract for the service “Replacing pressurized gas cylinder cabinets” on 05.12.2024 under the number 14070456.

Awarded company:
Friedrich Niemann GmbH & Co. KG
Hansestr. 26
18182 Bentwisch

The contract was awarded as a negotiated award without a call for competition.

Contract number: 14070457

Service: Repair gas warning system

The Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V. (Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock) has awarded a contract for the service “Repair gas warning system” on 05.12.2024 under the number 14070457.

Awarded company:
Dräger Medical ANSY GmbH
Moislinger Allee 53-55
23542 Lübeck

The contract was awarded as a negotiated award without a call for competition.

Contract number: 14070510

Service: Replacement/repair of gas safety management

The Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V. (Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock) has awarded a contract for the service “Replacement/repair of gas safety management” on December 10, 2024 under the number 14070510.

Awarded company:
Dräger Medical ANSY GmbH
Moislinger Allee 53-55
23542 Lübeck

The contract was awarded as a negotiated award without a call for competition

Contract award number: 14070652

Service: Replacement of modular access switches

The Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V. (Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock) has awarded a contract for the service “Replacement of modular access switches” on 09.01.2025 under the number 14070652.

Awarded company:
Albakom GmbH
Goerdelerstraße 28
18069 Rostock

The contract was awarded after a national public invitation to tender with no publication.

Expression of Interest Procedures

Date: 02.10.2024

Contract number: HD 02102024 5709709

Service: Delivery of an agitator extraction column

The Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V. (Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock) has published an expression of interest for the service “Delivery of an agitator extraction column” on October 2, 2024.


Performance Specification – Agitator Extraction Column
Technical Specifications

  • Jacketed glass extraction column with fused-in extraction chambers
  • Temperature: -50 to 200 °C
  • Pressure: -1 to +3 bar
  • Extraction column DN 030 with column sections, jacketed sump and laboratory agitator
  • Heat exchanger
  • Liquid metering pumps
  • Separator
  • Distillate receiver
  • Delivery and on-site assembly

Please express your interest at einkauf{at} by November 3, 2024.

Date: 09.01.2025

Contract number: SH 09012025 5862232

Service: Delivery of a screw extruder

The Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V. (Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock) published an expression of interest for the service “delivery of a screw extruder” on October 9, 2024.


Objective: A screw extruder is required for the production of catalysts. Oxidic solids (e.g. Al2O3) are to be processed and shaped.


  • Capacity should be suitable for processing in the kg range (≤ 2.0 kg/h)
  • In addition, there is the option of processing very small batches for research purposes
  • Control: Start, Stop, Speed, Emergency Stop
  • Should be placed on a laboratory bench
  • Use of dies up to max. 10 mm x 10 mm possible
  • Dies with different patterns available (trilobe etc.)
  • Powerful motor for processing ceramic materials
  • Cutting system can be added

Optional features:

  • Force measurement
  • Addition of liquids
  • Temperature control using a liquid jacket


Please express your interest at by February 9, 2025.

Date: 10.01.2025

Award number: SH 10012025 5864234

Service: Delivery of a kiln

The Leibniz Institute for Catalysis (Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse e.V., Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock) has published an expression of interest for the service “delivery of a kiln” on 10.01.2025.

Contracting authority: Leibniz Institute for Catalysis


Objective: A furnace is required for calcining, debinding and sintering catalysts at temperatures of up to 1300 °C in air and inert gas (N2, Ar) atmospheres. The catalysts can be either powder or smaller shaped bodies (e.g. 4 mm spheres).


  • ldfgh
  • Furnace chamber volume ≥ 125 L (up to 2 kg of material per batch)
  • Can reach up to 1300 °C
  • Can use both air and inert gas
  • Good ventilation (fresh air supply)
  • Controlled exhaust air flap
  • Temperature uniformity of at least ±10 °C
  • Electrically heated
  • Controlled cooling

Please note:

NOx may occur during the decomposition of small amounts of nitrate. Small amounts of organic products may occur.


Please register your interest by emailing by 10/02/2025.

Date: 23.01.2025

Contract number: SH 23012025 5884127

Service: Delivery of an agitated pressure reactor


The Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V. (Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock) has published an expression of interest for the service “delivery of a stirred pressure reactor” on 23.01.2025.


Delivery of a 50 L stirred pressure reactor made of stainless steel

Contracting authority: Leibniz Institute for Catalysis


Objective: A pressure reactor made of stainless steel with a volume of 50 L is required. The reactor is to be used for the synthesis of zeolites and hydrogenation reactions, whereby temperatures of up to 200 °C and pressures of up to 50 bar should be possible.


Requirements for the reactor and necessary peripherals:

  • Reactor for operation up to 50 bar and 200 °C
  • Double-walled to use a thermostat for temperature control (exo- and endothermic reactions)
  • Maximum capacity 50 L nominal volume
  • Stirrer with speed control
  • Thermocouple
  • Bottom outlet valve
  • Manometer
  • Thermal insulation

    o Sufficient number of holes for: Manometer
    o Thermocouple
    o Ventilation
    o Liquid supply
    o Safety device
    o Further spare hole (e.g. for IR or other sensors)
    o Sampling
    o Gas dosing (H2, N2) or mixing device
    o Sampling of liquid phase during operation
    o Consideration of necessary safety devices (bursting disk, sensors, etc.)
    o Frame or suspension of the reactor/cover plate
    o Control for the overall system (stirrer, temperature, etc.)
    o Data recording and associated storage

Please express your interest at by 24.02.2025.