LIKAT explicitly acknowledges its responsibility to actively promote equal opportunities and gender equality. In 2012, this was anchored in its statutes. Equality in this context does not only mean enabling equal opportunities for the genders, but beyond that the bringing about of balanced gender proportions through binding measures. (Gender Equality Plan of the LIKAT)
LIKAT's Equal Opportunities Officer and her deputy have been elected every four years since 2006. Measures to reconcile work and family life, such as the company agreement on flexitime or dual-career measures, are essential lived components of working life at the institute.
From the outset, the Executive Board grants all employees the greatest possible flexibility in addition to the company-agreed flexitime so that they can fulfill their family care obligations. As far as desired and possible, employees work on a mobile basis.
LIKAT also has a so-called come-back fund to help employees reconcile work and family life. It was created specifically to provide security for employees in temporary employment during pregnancy, parental leave or nursing leave and is now an integral part of the institute's budget. The fund offers employees planning security and binds them more closely to the institute than before.
As a member of the Leibniz Association, LIKAT has committed itself to having its efforts to reconcile family and career certified and successfully applied for the TOTAL E-QUALITY predicate for the first time in 2011. The predicate is valid for three years at a time and certifies the sponsors' successful and sustainable commitment to equal opportunities for women and men at work (http://www.total-e-quality.de/).
In 2023, LIKAT was awarded the Total E-Quality rating for the fifth year in a row for three years from 2023 to 2025.

As in previous years, the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis will participate in GirlsDay, which will take place on April 3, 2025. Further information can be found "here".