Trainees (Apprenticeship Training)
Together with the University of Rostock, LIKAT has decided, in accordance with the motto of the Leibniz Association "x plus 1", to provide joint training in the field of chemical laboratory technicians.
The dual training of chemical laboratory assistants takes place both in the laboratories of LIKAT and those of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Rostock in close cooperation with the vocational school, educational institutions, the Rostock Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the local Federal Employment Agency.
There are also opportunities for education in science-supporting areas such as administration or technology. Apprentices are recruited in the various areas of the Institute according to need, in order to be able to offer employment in the professions after completion of their training.
Professional Qualification of Scientific and Non-scientific Personnel
The Institute supports all individual qualification efforts of its employees.
In addition to the financial framework conditions, the time required in the form of release and further training phases are contractually secured in detail in individual further training agreements.
The qualification measures promoted at the institute range from courses in the IT and secretarial fields to the acquisition of a training license or master craftsman's training to various distance learning courses.
Depending on the needs, LIKAT itself organizes further training in the use of special software, in the linguistic field (for example English courses), on gender equality or so-called soft skills.
All PhD students and postdocs have access to the extensive qualification program of the Graduate Academy of the University of Rostock.