Publikationen - Dr. Henrik Junge
181. | Sang, Rui; Stein, Carolin Amber Martina; Schareina, Thomas; Hu, Yuya; Léval, Alexander; Massa, Jonas; Turan, Volkan; Sponholz, Peter; Wei, Duo; Jackstell, Ralf; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Nature Communications, , 15, 7268. Development of a practical formate/bicarbonate energy system. |
180. | Kempf, Hendrik A.; Both, Niklas F.; Stein, Carolin A. M.; Spannenberg, Anke; Junge, Kathrin; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Organometallics, , 43, 2450-2457. Synthesis of Guanamine-Based Ruthenium Pincer Complexes and Their Application in Catalytic (De)hydrogenation Reactions. |
179. | Shi, Yanzhe; Luo, Bingcheng; Sang, Rui; Cui, Dandan; Sun, Ye; Liu, Runqi; Zhang, Zili; Sun, Yifei; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Li, Xiang Nature Communications, , 15, 8189. Combination of nanoparticles with single-metal sites synergistically boosts co-catalyzed formic acid dehydrogenation. |
178. | Mateu-Campos, Juanjo; Guillamón, Eva; Safont, Vicent S.; Junge, Kathrin; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Llusar, Rosa Dalton Transactions, , 53, 4147-4153. Unprecedented Mo3S4 cluster-catalyzed radical C–C cross-coupling reactions of aryl alkynes and acrylates. |
177. | Terholsen, Henrik; Huerta-Zerón, Hilario Diego; Möller, Christina; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Bornscheuer, Uwe T. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, , 63, e202319313. Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction Using CO2-Binding Enzymes. |
176. | Chen, Zupeng; Stein, Carolin Amber Martina; Qu, Ruiyang; Rockstroh, Nils; Bartling, Stephan; Weiß, Jana; Kubis, Christoph; Junge, Kathrin; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias ACS Catalysis, , 4835-4841. Designing a Robust Palladium Catalyst for Formic Acid Dehydrogenation. |
175. | Huerta-Zeron, Hilario D.; Spannenberg, Anke; Beller, Matthias; Junge, Henrik IUCrData, , 8, x230346. A {μ-2,2′-(Ethane-1,2-diyl)bis[4,6-bis(trimethylsilyl)-1,3-dihydrocyclopenta[c]pyrrol-5-one]}bis[tricarbonyliron(0)]. |
174. | Sang, Rui; Wei, Zhihong; Hu, Yuya; Alberico, Elisabetta; Wei, Duo; Tian, Xinxin; Ryabchuk, Pavel; Spannenberg, Anke; Razzaq, Rauf; Jackstell, Ralf; Massa, Jonas; Sponholz, Peter; Jiao, Haijun; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Nature Catalysis, , 6, 543-550. Methyl formate as a hydrogen energy carrier. |
173. | Wei, Duo; Shi, Xinzhe; Junge, Henrik; Du, Chunyu; Beller, Matthias Nature Communications, , 14, 3726. Carbon neutral hydrogen storage and release cycles based on dual-functional roles of formamides. |
172. | Huerta-Zerón, H. D.; Rockstroh, N.; Lang, M.; Surkus, A. E.; Brüser, V.; Lochbrunner, S.; Junge, H.; Beller, M. Catalysis Science & Technology, , 13, 3940-3945. Photocatalytic CO2 reduction with a TiO2-supported copper photosensitizer and an iron-based CO2 reduction catalyst. |
171. | Hu, Yuya; Sang, Rui; Vroemans, Robby; Mollaert, Guillaume; Razzaq, Rauf; Neumann, Helfried; Junge, Henrik; Franke, Robert; Jackstell, Ralf; Maes, Bert U. W.; Beller, Matthias Angewandte Chemie International Edition, , 62, e202214706. Efficient Synthesis of Novel Plasticizers by Direct Palladium-Catalyzed Di- or Multi-carbonylations. |
170. | Wei, Duo; Kotwica, David; Nardi, Giulia; Moazezbarabadi, Ayeshe; Spannenberg, Anke; Ludwig, Ralf; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias ChemistrySelect, , 8, e202302307. A Lysine-Based System for CO2 Capture and Catalytic Utilization to Produce Formates: Irreproducibility and Conflicting Reactivity. |
169. | Shi, Yanzhe; Luo, Bingcheng; Liu, Runqi; Sang, Rui; Cui, Dandan; Junge, Henrik; Du, Yi; Zhu, Tianle; Beller, Matthias; Li, Xiang Angewandte Chemie International Edition, , 62, e202313099. Atomically Dispersed Cobalt/Copper Dual-Metal Catalysts for Synergistically Boosting Hydrogen Generation from Formic Acid. |
168. | Gutiérrez-Blanco, María; Stein, Carolin A. M.; Alfonso, Carmina; Guillamón, Eva; Safont, Vicent S.; Sorribes, Iván; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Llusar, Rosa ChemCatChem, , 15, e202300740. Selective Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid Catalyzed by Air-Stable Cuboidal PN Molybdenum Sulfide Clusters. |
167. | Wei, Duo; Sang, Rui; Moazezbarabadi, Ayeshe; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias JACS Au, , 2, 1020-1031. Homogeneous Carbon Capture and Catalytic Hydrogenation: Toward a Chemical Hydrogen Battery System. |
166. | Wei, Duo; Sang, Rui; Sponholz, Peter; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Nature Energy, , 7, 438-447. Reversible hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to formic acid using a Mn-pincer complex in the presence of lysine. |
165. | Sang, Rui; Hu, Yuya; Razzaq, Rauf; Mollaert, Guillaume; Atia, Hanan; Bentrup, Ursula; Sharif, Muhammad; Neumann, Helfried; Junge, Henrik; Jackstell, Ralf; Maes, Bert U. W.; Beller, Matthias Nature Communications, , 13, 4432. A practical concept for catalytic carbonylations using carbon dioxide. |
164. | Wei, Duo; Shi, Xinzhe; Qu, Ruiyang; Junge, Kathrin; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias ACS Energy Letters, , 7, 3734-3752. Toward a Hydrogen Economy: Development of Heterogeneous Catalysts for Chemical Hydrogen Storage and Release Reactions. |
163. | Wei, Duo; Shi, Xinzhe; Sponholz, Peter; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias ACS Central Science, , 8, 1457-1463. Manganese Promoted (Bi)carbonate Hydrogenation and Formate Dehydrogenation: Toward a Circular Carbon and Hydrogen Economy. |
162. | Moazezbarabadi, Ayeshe; Wei, Duo; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias ChemSusChem, , 15, e202201502. Improved CO2 Capture and Catalytic Hydrogenation Using Amino Acid Based Ionic Liquids. |
161. | Chen, Zupeng; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Frontiers in Energy, , 16, 697-699. Amino acid promoted hydrogen battery system using Mn-pincer complex for reversible CO2 hydrogenation to formic acid. |
160. | Britz, Alexander; Bokarev, Sergey I.; Assefa, Tadesse A.; Bajnóczi, Èva G.; Németh, Zoltán; Vankó, György; Rockstroh, Nils; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Doumy, Gilles; March, Anne Marie; Southworth, Stephen H.; Lochbrunner, Stefan; Kuehn, Oliver; Bressler, Christian; Gawelda, Wojciech ChemPhysChem, , 22, 693-700. Site-Selective Real-Time Observation of Bimolecular Electron Transfer in a Photocatalytic System Using L-Edge X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy**. |
159. | Wei, Duo; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Chemical Science, , 12, 6020-6024. An amino acid based system for CO2 capture and catalytic utilization to produce formates. |
158. | Miola, Matteo; Li, Simin; Hu, Xin-Ming; Ceccato, Marcel; Surkus, Annette-E.; Welter, Edmund; Pedersen, Steen U.; Junge, Henrik; Skrydstrup, Troels; Beller, Matthias; Daasbjerg, Kim Advanced Materials Interfaces, , 8, 2100067. Highly Scalable Conversion of Blood Protoporphyrin to Efficient Electrocatalyst for CO2-to-CO Conversion. |
157. | Schwarz, Christian H.; Kraus, Dominik; Alberico, Elisabetta; Junge, Henrik; Haumann, Marco European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, , 2021, 1745-1751. Immobilized Ru-Pincer Complexes for Continuous Gas-Phase Low-Temperature Methanol Reforming-Improving the Activity by a Second Ru-Complex and Variation of Hydroxide Additives. |
156. | Schneidewind, Jacob; Argüello Cordero, Miguel A.; Junge, Henrik; Lochbrunner, Stefan; Beller, Matthias Energy & Environmental Science, , 14, 4427-4436. Two-photon, visible light water splitting at a molecular ruthenium complex. |
155. | Alberico, Elisabetta; Leischner, Thomas; Junge, Henrik; Kammer, Anja; Sang, Rui; Seifert, Jenny; Baumann, Wolfgang; Spannenberg, Anke; Junge, Kathrin; Beller, Matthias Chemical Science, , 12, 13101-13119. HCOOH disproportionation to MeOH promoted by molybdenum PNP complexes. |
154. | Forero-Cortés, Paola A.; Marx, Maximilian; Moustakas, Nikolaos G.; Brunner, Fabian; Housecroft, Catherine E.; Constable, Edwin C.; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Strunk, Jennifer Green Chemistry, , 22, 4541-4549. Transferring photocatalytic CO2 reduction mediated by Cu(N^N)(P^P)+ complexes from organic solvents into ionic liquid media. |
153. | Li, Xiang; Surkus, Annette-Enrica; Rabeah, Jabor; Anwar, Muhammad; Dastigir, Sarim; Junge, Henrik; Brueckner, Angelika; Beller, Matthias Angewandte Chemie International Edition, , 59, 15849-15854. Cobalt Single-Atom Catalysts with High Stability for Selective Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid. |
152. | Hermans, Yannick; Olivier, Céline; Junge, Henrik; Klein, Andreas; Jaegermann, Wolfram; Toupance, Thierry ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, , 12, 53910-53920. Sunlight Selective Photodeposition of CoOx(OH)y and NiOx(OH)y on Truncated Bipyramidal BiVO4 for Highly Efficient Photocatalysis. |
151. | Léval, Alexander; Agapova, Anastasiya; Steinlechner, Christoph; Alberico, Elisabetta; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Green Chemistry, , 22, 913-920. Hydrogen production from formic acid catalyzed by a phosphine free manganese complex: investigation and mechanistic insights. |
150. | Schwarz, Christian H.; Agapova, Anastasiya; Junge, Henrik; Haumann, Marco Catalysis Today, , 342, 178-186. Immobilization of a selective Ru-pincer complex for low temperature methanol reforming–Material and process improvements. |
149. | Kreft, Stefanie; Wei, Duo; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias EnergyChem, , 2, 100044. Recent advances on TiO2-based photocatalytic CO2 reduction. |
148. | Marx, Maximilian; Mele, Andrea; Spannenberg, Anke; Steinlechner, Christoph; Junge, Henrik; Schollhammer, Philippe; Beller, Matthias ChemCatChem, , 12, 1603-1608. Addressing the Reproducibility of Photocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Reduction. |
147. | Hermans, Yannick; Klein, Andreas; Sarker, Hori Pada; Huda, Mohammad N.; Junge, Henrik; Toupance, Thierry; Jaegermann, Wolfram Advanced Functional Materials, , 30, 1910432. Pinning of the Fermi Level in CuFeO2 by Polaron Formation Limiting the Photovoltage for Photochemical Water Splitting. |
146. | Léval, Alexander; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, , 2020, 1293-1299. Formic Acid Dehydrogenation by a Cyclometalated κ3-CNN Ruthenium Complex. |
145. | Piehl, Patrick; Amuso, Roberta; Alberico, Elisabetta; Junge, Henrik; Gabriele, Bartolo; Neumann, Helfried; Beller, Matthias Chemistry – A European Journal, , 26, 6050-6055. Cyclometalated Ruthenium Pincer Complexes as Catalysts for the α-Alkylation of Ketones with Alcohols. |
144. | Léval, Alexander; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Catalysis Science & Technology, , 10, 3931-3937. Manganese(I) κ2-NN complex-catalyzed formic acid dehydrogenation. |
143. | Yu, Zhe-Jian; Lou, Wen-Ya; Junge, Henrik; Päpcke, Ayla; Chen, Hao; Xia, Liang-Min; Xu, Bin; Wang, Ming-Ming; Wang, Xiao-Jing; Wu, Qing-An; Lou, Bai-Yang; Lochbrunner, Stefan; Beller, Matthias; Luo, Shu-Ping Catalysis Communications, , 119, 11-15. Thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) dyes as efficient organic photosensitizers for photocatalytic water reduction. |
142. | Giereth, Robin; Reim, Immanuel; Frey, Wolfgang; Junge, Henrik; Tschierlei, Stefanie; Karnahl, Michael Sustainable Energy & Fuels, , 3, 692-700. Remarkably long-lived excited states of copper photosensitizers containing an extended π-system based on an anthracene moiety. |
141. | Alberico, Elisabetta ; Vogt, Lydia K. ; Rockstroh, Nils ; Junge, Henrik in Chapter 17 - Base-Metal-Catalyzed Hydrogen Generation from Carbon- and Boron Nitrogen-Based Substrates edited by Klein Gebbink, Robertus J. M. ; Moret, Marc-Etienne , Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, , 453-488. Non-Noble Metal Catalysis: Molecular Approaches and Reactions. |
140. | Agapova, Anastasiya; Alberico, Elisabetta; Kammer, Anja; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias ChemCatChem, , 11, 1910-1914. Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid with Ruthenium-PNP-Pincer Complexes: Comparing N-Methylated and NH-Ligands. |
139. | Oberem, Elisabeth; Roesel, Arend F.; Rosas-Hernández, Alonso; Kull, Tobias; Fischer, Steffen; Spannenberg, Anke; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Ludwig, Ralf; Roemelt, Michael; Franke, Robert Organometallics, , 38, 1236-1247. Mechanistic Insights into the Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 Catalyzed by Iron Cyclopentadienone Complexes. |
138. | Ryabchuk, Pavel; Agapova, Anastasiya; Kreyenschulte, Carsten; Lund, Henrik; Junge, Henrik; Junge, Kathrin; Beller, Matthias Chemical Communications, , 55, 4969-4972. Heterogeneous nickel-catalysed reversible, acceptorless dehydrogenation of N-heterocycles for hydrogen storage. |
137. | Kreft, Stefanie; Schoch, Roland; Schneidewind, Jacob; Rabeah, Jabor; Kondratenko, Evgenii V.; Kondratenko, Vita A.; Junge, Henrik; Bauer, Matthias; Wohlrab, Sebastian; Beller, Matthias Chem, , 5, 1818-1833. Improving Selectivity and Activity of CO2 Reduction Photocatalysts with Oxygen. |
136. | Zhou, Wei; Wei, Zhihong; Spannenberg, Anke; Jiao, Haijun; Junge, Kathrin; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Chemistry – A European Journal, , 25, 8459-8464. Cobalt-Catalyzed Aqueous Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid. |
135. | Agapova, Anastasiya; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Chemistry – A European Journal, , 25, 9345-9349. Developing Bicatalytic Cascade Reactions: Ruthenium-catalyzed Hydrogen Generation From Methanol. |
134. | Sivasankaran, Ramesh P.; Rockstroh, Nils; Kreyenschulte, Carsten R.; Bartling, Stephan; Lund, Henrik; Acharjya, Amitava; Junge, Henrik; Thomas, Arne; Brueckner, Angelika Catalysts, , 9, 695. Influence of MoS2 on Activity and Stability of Carbon Nitride in Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production. |
133. | Kreft, Stefanie; Radnik, Joerg; Rabeah, Jabor; Agostini, Giovanni; Pohl, Marga-Martina; Gericke, Eike; Hoell, Armin; Beller, Matthias; Junge, Henrik; Wohlrab, Sebastian Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, , 44, 28409-28420. Dye activation of heterogeneous Copper(II)-Species for visible light driven hydrogen generation. |
132. | Steinlechner, Christoph; Roesel, Arend F.; Oberem, Elisabeth; Paepcke, Ayla; Rockstroh, Nils; Gloaguen, Frédéric; Lochbrunner, Stefan; Ludwig, Ralf; Spannenberg, Anke; Junge, Henrik; Franke, Robert; Beller, Matthias ACS Catalysis, , 2091-2100. Selective Earth-Abundant System for CO2 Reduction: Comparing Photo- and Electrocatalytic Processes. |
131. | Kreft, Stefanie; Sonneck, Marcel; Junge, Henrik; Päpcke, Ayla; Kammer, Anja; Kreyenschulte, Carsten; Lochbrunner, Stefan; Wohlrab, Sebastian; Beller, Matthias Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, , 44, 31892-31901. Light-driven proton reduction with in situ supported copper nanoparticles. |
130. | Steinlechner, Christoph; Spannenberg, Anke; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias IUCrData, , 4, x190283. Tetracarbonyl[4,4-dimethyl-2-(pyridin-2-yl)-2-oxazoline-[kappa]2N,N']molybdenum(0). |
129. | Sivasankaran, Ramesh; Rockstroh, Nils; Hollmann, Dirk; Kreyenschulte, Carsten; Agostini, Giovanni; Lund, Henrik; Acharjya, Amitava; Rabeah, Jabor; Bentrup, Ursula; Junge, Henrik; Thomas, Arne; Brueckner, Angelika Catalysts, , 8, 52. Relations between Structure, Activity and Stability in C3N4 Based Photocatalysts Used for Solar Hydrogen Production. |
128. | Zhang, Ping; Guo, Yan-Jun; Chen, Jianbin; Zhao, Yu-Rou; Chang, Jun; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Li, Yang Nature Catalysis, , 1, 332-338. Streamlined hydrogen production from biomass. |
127. | Prichatz, Christoph; Trincado, Monica; Tan, Lilin; Casas, Fernando; Kammer, Anja; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Gruetzmacher, Hansjörg ChemSusChem, , 11, 3092-3095. Highly Efficient Base‐Free Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid at Low Temperature. |
126. | Fischer, Steffen; Roesel, Arend; Kammer, Anja; Barsch, Enrico; Schoch, Roland; Junge, Henrik; Bauer, Matthias; Beller, Matthias; Ludwig, Ralf Chemistry – A European Journal, , 24, 16052-16065. Diferrate [Fe2(CO)6(μ-CO){μ-P(aryl)2}]− as Self-Assembling Iron/Phosphor-Based Catalyst for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Photocatalytic Proton Reduction—Spectroscopic Insights. |
125. | Mueller, Alexander; Peglow, Sandra; Karnahl, Michael; Kruth, Angela; Junge, Henrik; Brueser, Volker; Scheu, Christina Nanomaterials, , 8, 502. Morphology, Optical Properties and Photocatalytic Activity of Photo- and Plasma-Deposited Au and Au/Ag Core/Shell Nanoparticles on Titania Layers. |
124. | Rosas-Hernández, Alonso; Steinlechner, Christoph; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Topics in Current Chemistry, , 376, 1-25. Photo- and Electrochemical Valorization of Carbon Dioxide Using Earth-Abundant Molecular Catalysts. |
123. | Ryabchuk, Pavel; Agostini, Giovanni; Pohl, Marga-Martina; Lund, Henrik; Agapova, Anastasiya; Junge, Henrik; Junge, Kathrin; Beller, Matthias Science Advances, , 4, Intermetallic nickel silicide nanocatalyst—A non-noble metal–based general hydrogenation catalyst. |
122. | Friedrich, Aleksej; Bokareva, Olga S.; Luo, Shu-Ping; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Kuehn, Oliver; Lochbrunner, Stefan Chemical Physics, , 515, 557-563. Effective quenching and excited-state relaxation of a Cu(I) photosensitizer addressed by time-resolved spectroscopy and TDDFT calculations. |
121. | Sordakis, Katerina; Tang, Conghui; Vogt, Lydia K.; Junge, Henrik; Dyson, Paul J.; Beller, Matthias; Laurenczy, Gábor Chemical Reviews, , 118, 372-433. Homogeneous Catalysis for Sustainable Hydrogen Storage in Formic Acid and Alcohols. |
120. | Steinlechner, Christoph; Junge, Henrik Angewandte Chemie International Edition, , 57, 44-45. Renewable Methane Generation from Carbon Dioxide and Sunlight. |
119. | Franke, Robert; Rosas-Hernandez, Alonso; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Roemelt, Michael , INOR-541. Electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 using cyclopentadienone iron complexes. |
118. | Papa, Veronica; Cabrero-Antonino, Jose R.; Alberico, Elisabetta; Spannenberg, Anke; Junge, Kathrin; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Chemical Science, , 8, 3576-3585. Efficient and selective hydrogenation of amides to alcohols and amines using a well-defined manganese-PNN pincer complex. |
117. | Rosas-Hernandez, Alonso; Steinlechner, Christoph; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Green Chemistry, , 19, 2356-2360. Earth-abundant photocatalytic systems for the visible-light-driven reduction of CO2 to CO. |
116. | Prichatz, Christoph; Alberico, Elisabetta; Baumann, Wolfgang; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias ChemCatChem, , 9, 1891-1896. Iridium–PNP Pincer Complexes for Methanol Dehydrogenation at Low Base Concentration. |
115. | Andérez-Fernández, María; Vogt, Lydia K.; Fischer, Steffen; Zhou, Wei; Jiao, Haijun; Garbe, Marcel; Elangovan, Saravanakumar; Junge, Kathrin; Junge, Henrik; Ludwig, Ralf; Beller, Matthias Angewandte Chemie International Edition, , 56, 559-562. A Stable Manganese Pincer Catalyst for the Selective Dehydrogenation of Methanol. |
114. | Heberle, Martin; Tschierlei, Stefanie; Rockstroh, Nils; Ringenberg, Mark; Frey, Wolfgang; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Lochbrunner, Stefan; Karnahl, Michael Chemistry – A European Journal, , 23, 312-319. Heteroleptic Copper Photosensitizers: Why an Extended π-System Does Not Automatically Lead to Enhanced Hydrogen Production. |
113. | Tang, Conghui; Surkus, Annette-Enrica; Chen, Feng; Pohl, Marga-Martina; Agostini, Giovanni; Schneider, Matthias; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Angewandte Chemie International Edition, , 56, 16616-16620. A Stable Nanocobalt Catalyst with Highly Dispersed CoNx Active Sites for the Selective Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid. |
112. | Rosas-Hernandez, Alonso; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Roemelt, Michael; Franke, Robert Catalysis Science & Technology, , 7, 459-465. Cyclopentadienone iron complexes as efficient and selective catalysts for the electroreduction of CO2 to CO. |
111. | Strobel, Vinzent; Schuster, Julian Jonathan; Braeuer, Andreas Siegfried; Vogt, Lydia Katharina; Junge, Henrik; Haumann, Marco Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, , 2, 390-396. Shining light on low-temperature methanol aqueous-phase reforming using homogeneous Ru-pincer complexes - operando Raman-GC studies. |
110. | Junge, Henrik; Rockstroh, Nils; Fischer, Steffen; Brueckner, Angelika; Ludwig, Ralf; Lochbrunner, Stefan; Kuehn, Oliver; Beller, Matthias Inorganics, , 5, 14. Light to Hydrogen: Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation from Water with Molecularly-Defined Iron Complexes. |
109. | Uddin, Md T.; Nicolas, Y.; Olivier, C.; Jaegermann, W.; Rockstroh, N.; Junge, H.; Toupance, T. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, , 19, 19279-19288. Band alignment investigations of heterostructure NiO/TiO2 nanomaterials used as efficient heterojunction earth-abundant metal oxide photocatalysts for hydrogen production. |
108. | Giereth, Robin; Frey, Wolfgang; Junge, Henrik; Tschierlei, Stefanie; Karnahl, Michael Chemistry – A European Journal, , 23, 17432-17437. Copper Photosensitizers Containing P^N Ligands and Their Influence on Photoactivity and Stability. |
107. | Priebe, Jacqueline B.; Radnik, Joerg; Kreyenschulte, Carsten; Lennox, Alastair J. J.; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Brueckner, Angelika ChemCatChem, , 9, 1025-1031. H2 Generation with (Mixed) Plasmonic Cu/Au-TiO2 Photocatalysts: Structure–Reactivity Relationships Assessed by in situ Spectroscopy. |
106. | Chen, Nan-Yu; Xia, Liang-Min; Lennox, Alastair J. J.; Sun, Yuan-Yuan; Chen, Hao; Jin, Hai-Ming; Junge, Henrik; Wu, Qin-An; Jia, Jian-Hong; Beller, Matthias; Luo, Shu-Ping Chemistry – A European Journal, , 23, 3631-3636. Structure-Activated Copper Photosensitisers for Photocatalytic Water Reduction. |
105. | Lennox, Alastair J. J.; Fischer, Steffen; Jurrat, Mark; Luo, Shu-Ping; Rockstroh, Nils; Junge, Henrik; Ludwig, Ralf; Beller, Matthias Chemistry – A European Journal, , 22, 1233-1238. Copper-Based Photosensitisers in Water Reduction: A More Efficient In Situ Formed System and Improved Mechanistic Understanding. |
104. | Rosas-Hernandez, Alonso; Alsabeh, Pamela G.; Barsch, Enrico; Junge, Hernrik; Ludwig, Ralf; Beller, Matthias Chemical Communications, , 52, 8393-8396. Highly active and selective photochemical reduction of CO2 to CO using molecular-defined cyclopentadienone iron complexes. |
103. | Alsabeh, Pamela G.; Rosas-Hernandez, Alonso; Barsch, Enrico; Junge, Henrik; Ludwig, Ralf; Beller, Matthias Catalysis Science & Technology, , 6, 3623-3630. Iron-catalyzed photoreduction of carbon dioxide to synthesis gas. |
102. | Lennox, Alastair J. J.; Bartels, Petra; Pohl, Marga-Martina; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Journal of Catalysis, , 340, 177-183. In situ photodeposition of copper nanoparticles on TiO2: Novel catalysts with facile light-induced redox cycling. |
101. | Lange, S.; Elangovan, S.; Cordes, C.; Spannenberg, A.; Jiao, H.; Junge, H.; Bachmann, S.; Scalone, M.; Topf, C.; Junge, K.; Beller, M. Catalysis Science & Technology, , 6, 4768-4772. Selective catalytic hydrogenation of nitriles to primary amines using iron pincer complexes. |
100. | Sun, Yuan-Yuan; Wang, Hai; Chen, Nan-Yu; Lennox, Alastair J. J.; Friedrich, Aleksej; Xia, Liang-Min; Lochbrunner, Stefan; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Zhou, Shaolin; Luo, Shu-Ping ChemCatChem, , 8, 2340-2344. Efficient Photocatalytic Water Reduction Using In Situ Generated Knölker's Iron Complexes. |
99. | Mellmann, Dorthe; Sponholz, Peter; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Chemical Society Reviews, , 45, 3954-3988. Formic acid as a hydrogen storage material - development of homogeneous catalysts for selective hydrogen release. |
98. | Luo, Shu-Ping; Chen, Nan-Yu; Sun, Yuan-Yuan; Xia, Liang-Min; Wu, Zhi-Cai; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Wu, Qing-An Dyes and Pigments, , 134, 580-585. Heteroleptic copper(I) photosensitizers of dibenzo[b,j]-1,10-phenanthroline derivatives driven hydrogen generation from water reduction. |
97. | Alberico, Elisabetta; Lennox, Alastair J. J.; Vogt, Lydia K.; Jiao, Haijun; Baumann, Wolfgang; Drexler, Hans-Joachim; Nielsen, Martin; Spannenberg, Anke; Checinski, Marek P.; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Journal of the American Chemical Society, , 138, 14890-14904. Unravelling the Mechanism of Basic Aqueous Methanol Dehydrogenation Catalyzed by Ru–PNP Pincer Complexes. |
96. | Adam, Rosa; Alberico, Elisabetta; Baumann, Wolfgang; Drexler, Hans-Joachim; Jackstell, Ralf; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Chemistry – A European Journal, , 22, 4991-5002. NNP-Type Pincer Imidazolylphosphine Ruthenium Complexes: Efficient Base-Free Hydrogenation of Aromatic and Aliphatic Nitriles under Mild Conditions. |
95. | Cabrero-Antonino, Jose R.; Alberico, Elisabetta; Junge, Kathrin; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Chemical Science, , 7, 3432-3442. Towards a general ruthenium-catalyzed hydrogenation of secondary and tertiary amides to amines. |
94. | Tschierlei, Stefanie; Neubauer, Antje; Rockstroh, Nils; Karnahl, Michael; Schwarzbach, Patrick; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Lochbrunner, Stefan Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, , 18, 10682-10687. Ultrafast excited state dynamics of iridium(III) complexes and their changes upon immobilisation onto titanium dioxide layers. |
93. | Cabrero-Antonino, Jose R.; Alberico, Elisabetta; Drexler, Hans-Joachim; Baumann, Wolfgang; Junge, Kathrin; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias ACS Catalysis, , 6, 47-54. Efficient Base-Free Hydrogenation of Amides to Alcohols and Amines Catalyzed by Well-Defined Pincer Imidazolyl–Ruthenium Complexes. |
92. | da Silva, Rafael O.; Heiligtag, Florian J.; Karnahl, Michael; Junge, Henrik; Niederberger, Markus; Wohlrab, Sebastian Catalysis Today, , 246, 101-107. Design of multicomponent aerogels and their performance in photocatalytic hydrogen production. |
91. | Jin, Haiming; Zou, Liang; Chen, Nanyu; Sun, Yuanyuan; Luo, Shuping; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, , 35, 1792-1796. Design and Synthesis of Novel 1,10-Phenanthroline Derivatives. |
90. | Jagadeesh, Rajenahally V.; Stemmler, Tobias; Surkus, Annette-Enrica; Junge, Henrik; Junge, Kathrin; Beller, Matthias Nature Protocols, , 10, 548-557. Hydrogenation using iron oxide–based nanocatalysts for the synthesis of amines. |
89. | Uddin, Md Tamez; Babot, Odile; Thomas, Laurent; Olivier, Céline; Redaelli, Matteo; D’Arienzo, Massimiliano; Morazzoni, Franca; Jaegermann, Wolfram; Rockstroh, Nils; Junge, Henrik; Toupance, Thierry The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, , 119, 7006-7015. New Insights into the Photocatalytic Properties of RuO2/TiO2 Mesoporous Heterostructures for Hydrogen Production and Organic Pollutant Photodecomposition. |
88. | Jagadeesh, Rajenahally V.; Stemmler, Tobias; Surkus, Annette-Enrica; Bauer, Matthias; Pohl, Marga-Martina; Radnik, Joerg; Junge, Kathrin; Junge, Henrik; Brueckner, Angelika; Beller, Matthias Nature Protocols, , 10, 916-926. Cobalt-based nanocatalysts for green oxidation and hydrogenation processes. |
87. | Li, Yang; Nielsen, Martin; Li, Bin; Dixneuf, Pierre H.; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias Green Chemistry, , 17, 193-198. Ruthenium-catalyzed hydrogen generation from glycerol and selective synthesis of lactic acid. |
86. | Jagadeesh, Rajenahally V.; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias ChemSusChem, , 8, 92-96. “Nanorust”-catalyzed Benign Oxidation of Amines for Selective Synthesis of Nitriles. |
85. | Rosas-Hernández, Alonso; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias ChemCatChem, , 7, 3316-3321. Photochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Formic Acid using Ruthenium(II)-Based Catalysts and Visible Light. |
84. | Enthaler, Stephan; Brueck, Andreas; Kammer, Anja; Junge, Henrik; Irran, Elisabeth; Guelak, Samet ChemCatChem, , 7, 65-69. Exploring the Reactivity of Nickel Pincer Complexes in the Decomposition of Formic Acid to CO2/H2 and the Hydrogenation of NaHCO3 to HCOONa. |
83. | Jagadeesh, Rajenahally V.; Banerjee, Debasis; Arockiam, Percia Beatrice; Junge, Henrik; Junge, Kathrin; Pohl, Marga-Martina; Radnik, Joerg; Brueckner, Angelika; Beller, Matthias Green Chemistry, , 17, 898-902. Highly selective transfer hydrogenation of functionalised nitroarenes using cobalt-based nanocatalysts. |
82. | Li, Yang; Sponholz, Peter; Nielsen, Martin; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias ChemSusChem, , 8, 804-808. Iridium-Catalyzed Hydrogen Production from Monosaccharides, Disaccharide, Cellulose, and Lignocellulose. |
81. | Jagadeesh, Rajenahally V.; Natte, Kishore; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias ACS Catalysis, , 5, 1526-1529. Nitrogen-Doped Graphene-Activated Iron-Oxide-Based Nanocatalysts for Selective Transfer Hydrogenation of Nitroarenes. |
80. | Priebe, Jacqueline B.; Radnik, Jörg; Lennox, Alastair J. J.; Pohl, Marga-Martina; Karnahl, Michael; Hollmann, Dirk; Grabow, Kathleen; Bentrup, Ursula; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Brueckner, Angelika ACS Catalysis, , 5, 2137-2148. Solar Hydrogen Production by Plasmonic Au–TiO2 Catalysts: Impact of Synthesis Protocol and TiO2 Phase on Charge Transfer Efficiency and H2 Evolution Rates. |
79. | J. B. Priebe, J. Radnik, A. Lennox, M.-M. Pohl, M. Karnahl, D. Hollmann, K. Grabow, U. Bentrup, H. Junge, M. Beller, A. Brückner, ACS Catal. 2015, 5, 2137-2148. Solar Hydrogen Production by Plasmonic Au-TiO2 Catalysts: Impact of Synthesis Protocol and TiO2 Phase on Charge Transfer Efficiency and H2 Evolution Rates. |
78. | Y. Li, P. Sponholz, M. Nielsen, H. Junge, M. Beller, ChemSusChem, 2015, 8, 804-808. Iridium-catalyzed Hydrogen Production from Monosaccharides, Disaccharide, Cellulose and Lignocellulose. |
77. | R. V. Jagadeesh, H. Junge, M. Beller, ChemSusChem, 2015, 8, 92-96. "Nanorust"-catalyzed Benign Oxidation of Amines for Selective Synthesis of Nitriles. |
76. | R. V. Jagadeesh, T. Stemmler, A.-E. Surkus, H. Junge, K. Junge, M. Beller, Nat. Prot. 2015, 10, 548-557; Hydrogenation using iron oxide-based nanocatalysts for the Synthesis of amines. |
75. | R. O. da Silva, F. J. Heiligtag, M. Karnahl, H. Junge, M. Niederberger, S. Wohlrab, Catal. Today, 2015, 246, 101-107. Design of multicomponent aerogels and their Performance in photocatalytic hydrogen production. |
74. | Y. Li, M. Nielsen, B. Li, P. H. Dixneuf, H. Junge, M. Beller, Green Chem. 2015, 17, 193-198. Ruthenium-catalyzed Hydrogen Generation from Glycerol and Selective Synthesis of Lactic Acid. |
73. | S. Enthaler, A. Brück, A. Kammer, H. Junge, E. Irran, S. Gülak, ChemCatChem, 2015, 7, 65-69. Exploring the Reactivity of a Nickel Pincer Complex in the Decomposition of Formic Acid to CO2/H2 and the Hydrogenation of NaHCO3 to HCOONa. |
72. | Fischer S, Hollmann D, Tschierlei S, Karnahl M, Rockstroh N, Barsch E, Schwarzbach P, Luo S-P, Junge H, Beller M, Lochbrunner S, Ludwig R, Brueckner A. ACS CATALYSIS, 2014, 4, 1845-1849. Death and Rebirth: Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production by a Self-Organizing Copper–Iron System. |
71. | Meyer T, Priebe JB, da Silva RO, Peppel T, Junge H, Beller M, Brueckner A, and Wohlrab S. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 2014, 26, 4705-4711. Advanced Charge Utilization from NaTaO3 Photocatalysts by Multilayer Reduced Graphene Oxide. |
70. | Hollmann D, Karnahl M, Tschierlei S, Kailasam K, Schneider M, Radnik J, Grabow K, Bentrup U, Junge H, Beller M, Lochbrunner S, Thomas A, Brueckner A. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 2014, 26, 1727-1733. Structure–Activity Relationships in Bulk Polymeric and Sol–Gel-Derived Carbon Nitrides during Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production. |
69. | Bokarev SI, Hollmann D, Pazidis A, Neubauer A, Radnik J, Kuehn O, Lochbrunner S, Junge H, Beller M, Brueckner A. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2014, 16, 4789-4796. Spin density distribution after electron transfer from triethylamine to an [Ir(ppy)2(bpy)]+ photosensitizer during photocatalytic water reduction. |
68. | Werkmeister S, Junge K, Wendt B, Alberico E, Jiao H, Baumann W, Junge H, Gallou F, Beller M. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 2014, 53, 8722-8726. Hydrogenation of Esters to Alcohols with a Well-Defined Iron Complex. |
67. | Tschierlei S, Karnahl M, Rockstroh N, Junge H, Beller M, and Lochbrunner S. CHEMPHYSCHEM, 2014, 15, 3709-3713. Substitution-Controlled Excited State Processes in Heteroleptic Copper(I) Photosensitizers Used in Hydrogen Evolving Systems. |
66. | Sponholz P, Mellmann D, Cordes C, Alsabeh PG, Li B, Li Y, Nielsen M, Junge H, Dixneuf P, and Beller M. CHEMSUSCHEM, 2014, 7, 2419-2422. Efficient and Selective Hydrogen Generation from Bioethanol using Ruthenium Pincer-type Complexes. |
65. | Neubauer A, Grell G, Friedrich A, Bokarev SI, Schwarzbach P, Gaertner F, Surkus A-E, Junge H, Beller M, Kuehn O, Lochbrunner S. THE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2014, 5, 1355-1360. Electron- and Energy-Transfer Processes in a Photocatalytic System Based on an Ir(III)-Photosensitizer and an Iron Catalyst. |
64. | Monney A, Barsch E, Sponholz P, Junge H, Ludwig R, Beller M. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 2014, 50, 707-709. Base-free hydrogen generation from methanol using a bi-catalytic system. |
63. | Mellmann D, Barsch E, Bauer M, Grabow K, Boddien A, Kammer A, Sponholz P, Bentrup U, Jackstell R, Junge H, Laurenczy G, Ludwig R, and Beller M. CHEMISTRY – A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 2014, 20, 13589-13602. Base-Free Non-Noble-Metal-Catalyzed Hydrogen Generation from Formic Acid: Scope and Mechanistic Insights. |
62. | Li Y, Li H, Junge H, and Beller M. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 2014, 50, 14991-14994. Selective ruthenium-catalyzed methylation of 2-arylethanols using methanol as C1 feedstock. |
61. | Kruth A, Peglow S, Rockstroh N, Junge H, Brüser V, and Weltmann K-D. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A: CHEMISTRY, 2014, 290, 31-37. Enhancement of photocatalyic activity of dye sensitised anatase layers by application of a plasma-polymerized allylamine encapsulation. |
60. | Karnahl M, Mejía E, Rockstroh N, Tschierlei S, Luo S-P, Grabow K, Kruth A, Brüser V, Junge H, Lochbrunner S, Beller M. CHEMCATCHEM, 2014, 6, 82-86. Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production with Copper Photosensitizer–Titanium Dioxide Composites. |
59. | Junge H, Codolà Z, Kammer A, Rockstroh N, Karnahl M, Luo S-P, Pohl M-M, Radnik J, Gatla S, Wohlrab S, Lloret J, Costas M, and Beller M. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A: CHEMICAL, 2014, 395, 449-456. Copper-based water reduction catalysts for efficient light-driven hydrogen generation. |
58. | Jagadeesh RV, Junge H, and Beller M. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2014, 5, 4123. Green synthesis of nitriles using non-noble metal oxides-based nanocatalysts. |
57. | Bornschein C, Werkmeister S, Wendt B, Jiao H, Alberico E, Baumann W, Junge H, Junge K, and Beller M. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2014, 5, 4111. Mild and selective hydrogenation of aromatic and aliphatic (di)nitriles with a well-defined iron pincer complex. |
56. | Priebe JB, Karnahl M, Junge H, Beller M, Hollmann D, Brueckner A Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2013, 52, 11420-11424. Water Reduction with Visible Light: Synergy between Optical Transitions and Electron Transfer in Au-Tio2 Catalysts Visualized by in Situ Epr Spectroscopy. |
55. | Sponholz P, Mellmann D, Junge H, Beller M CHEMSUSCHEM 2013, 6, 1172-1176. Towards a Practical Setup for Hydrogen Production from Formic Acid. |
54. | Nielsen M, Alberico E, Baumann W, Drexler HJ, Junge H, Gladiali S, Beller M NATURE 2013, 495, 85-89. Low-Temperature Aqeous-Phase Methanol Dehydrogenation to Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide. |
53. | Mellone I, Peruzzini M, Rosi L, Mellmann D, Junge H, Beller M, Gonsalvi L DALTON TRANSACTION 2013, 42, 2495-2501. Formic Acid Dehydrogenation Catalysed by Ruthenium Complexes bearing the Tripodal Ligands Triphos and NP3. |
52. | Meija E, Luo SP, Karnahl M, Friedrich A, Tschierlei S, Surkus AE, Junge H, Gladiali S, Lochbrunner S, Beller M CHEMISTRY - A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 2013, 19, 15972-15978. A Noble-Metal-Free System for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production from Water. |
51. | Manca G, Mellone I, Bertini F, Peruzzini M, Rosi L, Mellmann D, Junge H, Beller M, Ienco A, Gonsalvi L ORGANOMETALLICS 2013, 32, 7053-7064. Inner- versus Outer-Sphere Ru-Catalyzed Formic Acid Dehydrogenation: A Computational Study. |
50. | Luo SP, Mejia E, Friedrich A, Pazidis A, Junge H, Surkus AE, Jackstell R, Denurra S, Gladiali S, Lochbrunner S, Beller M ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE – INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2013, 52, 419 - 423. Photocatalytic Water Reduction with Copper-Based Photosensitizers: A Noble-Metal-Free System. |
49. | Jagadeesh RV, Surkus AE, Junge H, Pohl MM, Radnik J, Rabeah J, Huan H, Schuenemann V, Brueckner A, Beller M SCIENCE, 2013, 342, 1073-1076. Nanoscale Fe2O3-Based Catalysts for Selective Hydrogenation of Nitroarenes to Anilines. |
48. | Jagadeesh RV, Junge H, Pohl MM, Radnik J, Brueckner A, Beller M JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2013, 135, 10776-10782. Selective Oxidation of Alcohols to Esters Using Heterogeneous Co3O4-N@C Catalysts under mild Conditions. |
47. | Enthaler S, Junge H, Fischer A, Kammer A, Krackl S, Epping JD POLYMER CHEMISTRY 2013, 4, 2741-2746. Dual functionality of formamidine polymers, as ligands and as bases, in ruthenium-catalysed hydrogen evolution from formic acid. |
46. | Boddien A, Gaertner F, Nielsen M, Losse S, Junge H in Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II edited by Reedijk J and Poeppelmeier K, Elsevier, Oxford, 2013, 6, 587-603. Hydrogen Generation from Formic Acid and Alcohols. |
45. | Alberico E, Sponholz P, Cordes C, Nielsen M, Drexler H-J, Baumann W, Junge H, Beller M ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2013, 52, 14162-14166. Selective Hydrogen Production from Methanol with a Defined Iron Pincer Catalyst under Mild Conditions. |
44. | Westerhaus FA, Jagadeesh RV, Wienhoefer G, Pohl MM, Radnik J, Surkus AE, Rabeah J, Junge K, Junge H, Nielsen M, Brueckner A, Beller M NATURE CHEMISTRY 2013, 5, 537-543. Heterogenized Cobalt Oxide Catalysts for Nitroarene Reduction by Pyrolysis of Molecularly Defined Complexes. |
43. | A. Boddien, F. Gärtner, C. Federsel, I. Piras, H. Junge, R. Jackstell, M. Beller, G. Laurenczy, M. Shi, Catalytic Utilization of Carbon Dioxide: Actual Status and Perspectives in “Organic Chemistry - Breakthroughs and Perspectives (eds K. Ding, L.-X. Dai), 1st edition, 2012, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA; Weinheim, Germany (doi: 10.1002/9783527664801.ch18). |
42. | D. Banerjee, R. V. Jagadeesh, K. Junge, H. Junge, Matthias Beller, Angew. Chem. 2012, 124, 11724-11728, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51; 11556-11560. Efficient and Convenient Palladium-catalyzed Amination of Allylic Alcohols with N-Heterocycles. |
41. | A. Boddien, C. Federsel, P. Sponholz, D. Mellmann, R. Jackstell, H. Junge, G. Laurenczy, M. Beller, Energy & Environmental Science 2012, 5, 8907-8911. Towards the Development of a Hydrogen Battery. |
40. | H. Junge, N. Marquet, A. Kammer, S. Denurra, M. Bauer, S. Wohlrab, F. Gärtner, M.-M. Pohl, A. Spannenberg, S. GladialiM. Beller, Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 12749-12758. Water Oxidation with molecular-defined Iridium complexes: Insights into Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous Catalysis. |
39. | D. Banerjee, R. V. Jagadeesh, K. Junge, H. Junge, M. Beller, ChemSusChem 2012, 5, 2039-2044. An Efficient and Convenient Palladium Catalyst System for the Synthesis of Amines from Allylic Alcohols. |
38. | M. Nielsen, H. Junge, A. Kammer, M. Beller, Angew. Chem. 2012, 124, 5809-5811, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51; 5711-5713. Towards a “real” green Process for bulk-scale Ethyl Acetate: First efficient acceptorless Dehydrogenation of Ethanol. |
37. | G. Wienhöfer, F. A. Westerhaus, R. V. Jagadeesh, K. Junge, H. Junge, M. Beller, Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 4827-4829; Selective Iron-catalyzed Transfer Hydrogenation of Terminal Alkynes. |
36. | F. Gärtner, S. Losse, A. Boddien, M.-M. Pohl, S. Denurra, H. Junge, M. Beller, ChemSusChem 2012, 5, 530-533. Hydrogen Evolution from Water/Alcohol Mixtures: Effective in situ Generation of an Active Au/TiO2 catalyst. |
35. | F. Gärtner, St. Denurra, S. Losse, A. Neubauer, A. Boddien, A. Gopinathan, A. Spannenberg, H. Junge, S. Lochbrunner, M. Blug, S. Hoch, J. Busse, S. Gladiali, M. Beller, Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 3220-3225. Synthesis and Characterization of New Iridium Photosensitizers for Catalytic Hydrogen Generation from Water. |
34. | A. Boddien, H. Junge, M. Beller, Nachrichten der Chemie 2011, 59, 1142-1146. Katalyse trifft auf Energietechnologien: Neue Möglichkeiten für die Speicherung von Wasserstoff. |
33. | R. V. Jagadeesh, G. Wienhöfer, F. A. Westerhaus, A.-E. Surkus, H. Junge, K. Junge, M. Beller, Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 14375-14379. A Convenient and General Ruthenium-catalyzed Transfer hydrogenation of Nitro-and Azobenzenes. |
32. | K. Kailasam, J. D. Epping, A. Thomas, S. Losse, H. Junge, Energy & Environmental Science 2011, 4, 4668-4674. Mesoporous Carbon Nitride-Silica Composites by a Combined Sol-Gel/Thermal Condensation Approach and their Application as Photocatalysts. |
31. | M. Nielsen, A. Kammer, H. Junge, D. Cozzula, S. Gladiali, M. Beller; Angew. Chem. 2011, 123, 9767-9771, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 9593-9597; Efficient Hydrogen Production from Alcohols under mild Conditions. |
30. | R. V. Jagadeesh, G. Wienhöfer, F. A. Westerhaus, A.-E. Surkus, M.-M. Pohl, H. Junge, K. Junge, M. Beller, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 10972-10974; Efficient and highly selective iron-catalyzed reduction of nitroarenes. |
29. | G. Wienhoefer, I. Sorribes, A. Boddien, F. Westerhaus, K. Junge, H. Junge, R. Llusar, M. Beller, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 12875-12879; General and Selective Iron-catalyzed Transfer Hydrogenation of Nitroarenes without Base. |
28. | D. Hollmann, F. Gärtner, R Ludwig, E. Barsch, H. Junge, M. Blug, S. Hoch, M. Beller, A. Brückner; Angew. Chem. 2011, 123, 10429–10433, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50; 10246 -10250; New Insights into the Mechanism of Photocatalytic Water Reduction by DFT-Supported In situ-EPR/Raman-Spectroscopy. |
27. | A. Boddien, D. Mellmann, F. Gärtner, R.Jackstell, H. Junge, P. J. Dyson, G. Laurenczy, R.Ludwig, M. Beller, Science, 2011, 333, 1733-1736; Efficient Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid using an Iron Catalyst. |
26. | N. Marquet, F. Gärtner, S. Losse, M.-M. Pohl, H. Junge, M. Beller, ChemSusChem 2011, 4, 1598-1600; A Simple and Efficient Iridium(III)-catalyzed Water Oxidation. |
25. | A. Boddien, F. Gärtner, C. Federsel, P. Sponholz, D. Mellmann, R. Jackstell, H. Junge, M. Beller, Angew. Chem. 2011, 123, accepted, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 214-218. A Carbon Dioxide “neutral” Hydrogen Storage based on Bicarbonates and Formates. |
24. | A. Boddien, H. Junge, Nature Nanotechnology 2011, 6, 265-266; Catalysis: Acidic ideas for hydrogen storage. |
23. | F. Gärtner, D. Cozzula, S. Losse, A. Boddien, G. Anilkumar, H. Junge, T. Schulz, N. Marquet, A. Spannenberg, S. Gladiali, M. Beller Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 6998 – 7006; Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Novel Iridium(III)-Photosensitizers for Catalytic Water Reduction. |
22. | F. Gärtner, A. Boddien, E. Barsch, K. Fumino, S. Losse, H. Junge, D. Hollmann, A. Brückner, R. Ludwig, M. Beller, Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 6425–6436; Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation from Water with Iron Carbonyl Phosphine Complexes: Improved Water Reduction Catalysts and Mechanistic Insights. |
21. | A. Boddien, F. Gärtner, D. Mellmann, P. Sponholz, H. Junge, G. Laurenczy, M. Beller, Chimia 2011, 65, 214-218; Hydrogen Storage in Formic Acid – Amine Adducts. |
20. | S. Losse, H. Junge, ChemSusChem 2010, 3, 1409–1410; Recent progress in Catalysis and Photochemistry for Energy Technologies. |
19. | A. Boddien, F. Gärtner, D. Mellmann, A. Kammer, S. Losse, N. Marquet, A.-E. Surkus, J. Rajenahally, H. Junge, M. Beller, B. Loges, GIT 2010, 54, 576-579; Entwicklung von Eisen-basierten Katalysatorsystemen für Erzeugung von Wasserstoff aus Ameisensäure. |
18. | A. Boddien, F. Gärtner, R. Jackstell, H. Junge, A. Spannenberg, W. Baumann, R. Ludwig, M. Beller, Angew. Chem. 2010, 122, 9177-9181, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49; 8993-8996; ortho-Metalation of Iron(0) Tribenzylphosphine Complexes: Homogeneous Catalysts for the Generation of Hydrogen from Formic Acid. |
17. | Boddien, Albert, Loges, Björn, Gärtner, Felix, Torborg, Christian Fumino, Koichi, Junge, Henrik, Ludwig, Ralf, Beller, Matthias, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 8924-8934; Iron-catalyzed Hydrogen Production from Formic Acid. |
16. | Loges, Björn, Boddien, Albert, Gärtner, Felix, Junge, Henrik, Beller, Matthias, Topics in Catal., 2010, 53, 902-914; Catalytic Generation of Hydrogen from Formic acid and its Derivatives – Useful Hydrogen Storage Materials. |
15. | F. Gärtner, B. Sundararaju, A.-E. Surkus, A. Boddien, B. Loges, H. Junge, P. H. Dixneuf, M. Beller, Angew. Chem. 2009, 121, 10147-10150, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2009, 48, 9962-9965; Light driven Hydrogen Generation: Efficient Iron-based Water Reduction Catalysts. |
14. | A. Boddien, B. Loges, H. Junge, F. Gärtner, J. R. Noyes, M. Beller, Adv. Synth. Catal., 2009, 351, 2517-2520; Continious Hydrogen Generation from Formic Acid: Highly Active and Stable Ruthenium Catalysts |
13. | B. Loges, A. Boddien, H. Junge, J.R. Noyes, W. Baumann, M. Beller, Chem. Commun. 2009, 4185-4187, Hydrogen Generation: Catalytic Acceleration and Control by Light |
12. | H. Junge, A. Boddien, F. Capitta, B. Loges, J. R. Noyes, S. Gladiali, M. Beller, Tetrahedron Letters 2009, 50, 1603-1606, Improved hydrogen generation from formic acid. |
11. | B. Loges, A. Boddien, H. Junge, M. Beller, Angew. Chem. 2008, 120, 4026-4029; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2008, 47, 3962-3965; Controlled Generation of Hydrogen from Formic Acid Amine Adducts at Room Temperature and Application in H2/O2 Fuel Cells. |
10. | A. Boddien, B. Loges, H. Junge, M. Beller, ChemSusChem, 2008, accepted; Hydrogen generation at ambient conditions and its application in fuel cells. |
9. | H. Junge, B. Loges, M. Beller, Chem. Commun. 2007, 522-524; Novel improved ruthenium catalysts fort he generation of hydrogen from alcohols. |
8. | B. Loges, H. Junge, B. Spilker, Ch. Fischer und M. Beller, Chemie Ingenieur und Technik, 2007, 79(6), 741-753; Herstellung von Wasserstoff aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen mit molekular definierten Katalysatoren. |
7. | V. Brüser, N. Savastenko, A. Schmuhl, H. Junge, I. Herrmann, P. Bogdanoff, K. Schröder, Plasma Processes and Polymers 2007, 4, 94-98; Plasma Modification of Catalysts for Cathode Reduction of Hydrogen Peroxide in Fuel Cells. |
6. | H. Junge, M. Beller, Tetrahedron Lett. 2005, 46, 1031; Ruthenium-catalyzed generation of hydrogen from iso-propanol. |
5. | H. Junge, G. Oehme, Tetrahedron 1998, 54/37, 11027-11032; Hetero Diels-Alder reaction between 2,3-dimethyl-1,3-butadiene and perfluorooctanonitrile under high pressure. |
4. | H. Junge, E. Popowski, Z. anorg. allg. Chem. 1997, 623, 1475-1482; Lithium Hydridosiloxysilylamides - Reactions in n-Octane and Tetrahydrofuran in Presence of Chlorotrimethylsilane. |
3. | H. Junge, E. Popowski, Z. anorg. allg. Chem. 1996, 622, 2065-2073; N-Silylation and Si-O Bond Splitting at the Reaction of Lithiated Siloxy-silylamino-silanes with Chlorotrimethylsilane. |
2. | E. Popowski, A. Harms, H. Junge, R. Riedel „Untersuchungen zur Synthese von Siloxazanen als Precursoren für Siliciumoxidnitridkeramik“ in: „Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: Hochleistungskeramiken - Herstellung, Aufbau, Eigenschaften“; G. Petzow, J. Tobolski, R. Telle (eds.); Verlag Chemie Weinheim; 1996, 32-41 |
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10. | P. Sponholz, P. Ryabchuk, A. Agapova, R. Sang, R. Jackstell, H. Junge, M. Beller; Method and System for Chemical Storage of Hydrogen; EP 20212335 (08.12.2020) |
9. | P. Sponholz, R. Sang, R. Jackstell, H. Junge, M. Beller; Method for Chemical Storage of Hydrogen; EP 20212336 (08:12.2020) |
8. | F. A. Westerhaus, R. V. Jagadeesh, G. Wienhöfer, A.-E. Surkus, K. Junge, H. Junge, M. Beller,; Verwendung von thermisch behandelten geträgerten Kobaltkatalysatoren zur Hydrierung von Nitroaromaten; DE 102012209634.5 (08.06.2012) |
7. | M. Nielsen, A. Kammer, H. Junge, M. Beller; A process for producing ethyl acetate and other alkyl esters by dehydrogenation of a primary alcohol using a homogeneous catalyst system; EP 11 191 546.8 (01.12.2011) |
6. | N. Marquet, A. Gopinathan, F. Gärtner, S. Losse, S. Denurra, D. Cozzula, S. Gladiali, H. Junge, M. Beller; Verfahren zur katalytischen Oxidation von Wasser; DE 10 2011 079 424.7 (19.07.2011) |
5. | F. Gärtner, A. Boddien, D. Mellmann, R. Jackstell, H. Junge, M. Beller; Verfahren zur Wasserstoffgewinnung durch katalytische Zersetzung von Ameisensäure; DE 10 2011 007 661.1 (19.04.2011) |
4. | S. Nordhoff, U. Dingerdissen, J. Busse, S. Hoch, M. Blug, H. W. Zanthoff, F. Gärtner, D. Cozzula, S. Denurra, A. Gopinathan, S. Losse, H. Junge, S. Gladiali, M. Beller; Photosensibilisatoren und deren Einsatz zur Wasserstofferzeugung aus Wasser; Patentanmeldung: DE 102010044155 (19.11.2010), WO 2012/065833 |
3. | D. Foge, A. Schmuhl, M. Beller, H. Junge, M.K. Tse, K. Anklam, V. Brüser, K. Schröder; Verfahren zur plasmagestützten Trägerung, Aktivierung und Stabilisierung von Katalysatoren für die Reduktion von Wasserstoffperoxid und/oder Salpetersäure in Brennstoffzellen; DE 102005033938 (01.07.2005) |
2. | D. Foge, A. Schmuhl, M. Beller, H. Junge, M.K. Tse, K. Anklam, V. Brüser, K. Schröder; Verwendung von Katalysatoren, geträgert, aktiviert und stabilisiert durch eine Behandlung mit Niedertemperaturplasma zur Reduktion von Sauerstoff in Brennstoffzellen; DE 102005015572 (25.02.2005) |
1. | K.-J. Haack, T. Riermeier, A. Zapf, M. Beller, B.E. Bosch, H. Junge; Substituierte Isophosphindoline und ihre Verwendung; WO 2000021971, DE 19846559 (09.10.1998) |