Curriculum Vitae - Prof. Dr. Matthias Beller

Academic Education

1982 - 1987Study of chemistry at Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen
1987 - 1989PhD thesis at the Institute for Organic Chemistry at Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen (Prof. Dr. L. F. Tietze)
29.06.1989Graduation with honors (Dr. rer. nat.)
1990Liebig Fellow of the FCI with Prof. PhD K. B. Sharpless at Massachussetts Institute of Technology (USA)


1991 - 1993Research chemist in the Central Research at Hoechst AG
1993Group leader of "Organometallic chemistry - catalysis" at the Central Research of Hoechst AG
1994 - 1995Project leader of "Homogeneous catalysis" at Hoechst AG
1996 - 1998Associate Professor for Inorganic chemistry at the Technical University of Munich
June 1998Director of the “Leibniz-Institut für Organische Katalyse an der Universität Rostock e.V. (IfOK)” aligned with a full professorship "Catalysis" at the University of Rostock
March 2001Call for a C4-Professorship for Industrial Chemistry at the RWTH Aachen, not accepted
Dec. 2005 - 07.05.2024Director of the newly founded „Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse e.V.”,
Sep. 2006Call for a W3-Professorship for Organic Chemistry at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, not accepted
since 08.05.2024Member of the LIKAT Board and Head of the department “Applied Homogeneous Catalysis”


1990Liebig-Scholarship from the Chemical Industry Fund
1997Otto Roelen-Medal of DECHEMA
2002Merck-Frost-Lectureship (Canada)
2003Novartis-Chemistry-Lectureship (Switzerland)
 Degussa-Lecturer (University of Durham, UK)
2005Novo Nordisk-Lecturer (Denmark)
2006Leibniz-Prize of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
 Innovation Award of the Hanseatic City of Rostock, Germany
 Order of Merit on Ribbon of the Federal Republic of Germany
 Visiting Professor at the University of Sassari (Italy)
2009Visiting Professor at the University of Sassari (Italy)
2010Paul Rylander Award of the Organic Reactions Catalysis Society (USA)
2010“Karl Ziegler-Giulio Natta Lectureship” of the German and Italian Chemical Society
2010European Sustainable Chemistry Award
2011Astra Zeneca-Lectur (University of Sheffield, UK)
 American Chemical Society GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable Lecturer
 Visiting Lecturer of the Chemistry Research Promotion Center National Science Council Taiwan
 Visiting Professor at the University of Lausanne (EPFL) (Switzerland)
 BASF-Lectureship (Sripps-Institute San Diego, USA)
 Visiting Professor at the University of Strasburg (France)
2013Evonik-China-Lectureship, China
2014JSPS-Lectureship, Japanese Ministry of Science and Education
2015Honorary Doctor of the University of Antwerp, Belgium
 ERC Advanced Grant
2016Honorary Doctor of the University of Rennes 1, France
 Friedrich-Bergius-Lecture der Evonik AG
 Visiting Professor at the University of Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland 
Bristol-Myers-Squibb-Lecture of the University of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign (USA)
2017Mellichamp Academic Initiative in Sustainability Lectureship (Southern California, USA)
 Karl-Ziegler-Prize from the GDCh, German Chemical Society
 Dr. Karl Wamsler Innovation Award für Katalyse-Forschung (TU München)
2018Hassel-Lecture, Universität Oslo (Norway)
 Gordon Stone-Lecture. University of Bristol (UK)
2019Spiers Memorial Award 2019 der Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
2022Luigi-Sacconi-Medaille 2022 of the Italian Chemical Society
 Visiting Professor at the Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou (China)
2024Wilhelm-Ostwald-Medal of the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Germany) 
 since 2014 Clarivate “Highly Cited Researcher”

Professional activities

1997-2007Board member of the der DECHEMA Section “Catalysis”
since 2002Member of the convent for Technical Sciences of the Union of the German Science Academies (acatech)
2002 - 2007Board of member of German Catalysis Socienty “Connecat”
2002 - 2005Board of member of the Innovation Agency Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
2003 - 2005Board of member of the Institute for “Angewandte Chemie (ACA)” in Berlin-Adlershof
2004 - 2006Chairman of the German catalysis association “ConNeCat”
2005 - 2006Head of the Board of the GDCh working group “Environmental and Sustainable Synthesis and Processes”
2006 - 2014Head of the Board of the GDCh working group “Sustainable Chemistry”
since 2007Member of the Board of the Department “Science and Technology of Life, Light and Matter” at the University of Rostock
since 2008Member of the Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg (Academy of the Sciences)
 International Scientific Council of the TUM Catalysis Research Center
 International Supervisory Board “Fundamental Catalysis Research in the Netherlands”
2008 - 2014Member of the Board of the “German Catalysis Society” GECATS"
since 2009Member of the Board of the "European Technology Platform “SusChem”
 Member of the “Deutschen Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Leopoldina”
since 2010Member of the Technology and Innovation Circle for Business/Science M-V, Germany
since 2012Vice President of the Leibniz Association (Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz e.V.)
since 2015Member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
 Member of the LOEWE-Program Advisory Board
since 2016Chairman of the Scientific Adivisory Board of ARC CBBC
2018Advisory Board Member SFB 1333 University of Stuttgart
2019 - 2022Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the DWI (Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials)
2019Honorary member of the Chinese Chemical Society (CSC)
2020 - 2023Chairman of the Association “Wasserstoff-Energie-Cluster MV e.V.”
seit 2022Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of C1 Green Chemicals AG
 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board  of SwissCAT+
 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board  H2020 Twinning Project
 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Fritz Haber Institute of the MPG
 Member of the International Advisory Board of Industrial Chemistry & Materials 
 Member of the International Advisory Board of Project TECHSCALE (Czech Republic)
since 2023Member of the Supervisory Board of Exceet Group SCA, from Feb. 2024 H2Apex

Editorial activities 

since 2001Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of “Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis”
2001 - 2005Member of the Editorial Board of “Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical"
since 2002Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of “Journal of Organometallic Chemistry"
since 2005Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of “Organic Process Research & Development"
since 2008Chairman of the Editorial Board of “ChemSusChem"
 Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of “Topics in Organometallic Chemistry"
2010 - 2017Member of the Board of Trustees of the Journal “Angewandte Chemie"
since 2013Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of “Synthesis"
since 2014Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of “Organic Chemistry Frontiers" (RSC)
2020Member of the Chemistry Europe (European Chemical Societies Publishing)
2023Member of the Synlett Adivsory Board ((Thieme Verlag)
 Member of the Editorial Adivsory Board of CCS Chemistry