Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Nuclear magnetic resonance is probably the most important analytical method for any chemist working synthetically. High-resolution NMR of liquids and solutions is performed in close cooperation with the Institute of Chemistry, University of Rostock. Alongside with the commonly regarded qualitative application of NMR (structure elucidation), this technique has a very strong potential for quantitative determination and investigation in molecular dynamics.

Information on the regular service and on the available software you will find on our intranet pages.

This is our equipment:

AV-III HD 400 (Bruker)

(last hardware update 2017, magnetic flux 9.4 Tesla, proton resonance frequency 400 MHz). This instrument is equipped with four independent frequency channels and is used in the main for solving special problems, such as 2D NMR, hetero (X) nuclei including transition metals, variable temperature work) with the following probe:

  • BB (5 mm), triple resonance 1H, 19F and BB 31P-15N; z gradient

Further probes may serve to perform special tasks:

  • BB (10 mm), frequency range 31P-103Rh
  • BB (5 mm, inverse), triple resonance 1H, 31P and BB 31P-103Rh
  • BB (5 mm, inverse), frequency range 31P-15N; z gradient
  • BB (5 mm), frequency range 31P-97Mo; z gradient
  • QNP (5 mm), 1H/13C/29Si/31P

Temperature range +120/–100 °C; automatic sample changer for 60 tubes.

AV-III 300 (Bruker)

(last hardware update 2017, magnetic flux 7.0 Tesla, proton resonance frequency 300 MHz). This instrument is devoted to the analytical service and automatic operation using the probe head

  • BB (5 mm), frequency range 19F/31P to 97Mo and 1H/19F; z gradient

Temperature range +120/–100 °C; automatic sample changer for 60 tubes.

AV-III HD 300 (Bruker)

(last hardware update 2017, magnetic flux 7.0 Tesla, proton resonance frequency 300 MHz). This instrument is devoted to automatic operation as well using the probe head

  • BB (5 mm), frequency range 19F/31P to 97Mo; z gradient
  • Dual (5 mm) 13C/1H, z gradient

​​​​​​​automatic sample changer for 60 tubes